Does Roger On 3 need audiologist?

I have new Phonak Infinio Sphere hearing aids which I’m pretty happy with. But since I am often in noisy environments at a table with many people, I wanted to get a Roger On device. My Audiologist prices it at $2400 but I can find it on the web for $1200-$1400 from wholesalers. Most of the reviews I’ve read and watched on YouTube have made it seem like it. It’s easy to pair and use on your own. Essentially plug and play. But recently one of the YouTube videos I watched said that programming the Roger On to your hearing needs by an audiologist is vital. Is this true? do I really need an audiologist to program it through the software? My audiologist wants to charge me $400 to do this.


BS. Go for a new audiologist after you spent 5 minutes to transfer an receiver from your Roger ON to each of your Sphere hearing aids. That’s it. Well documented in the Roger owners manual. Just be careful which Roger ON your buying. It has to be at least a Roger ON In but better a Roger ON V3.


Thank! I suspected as much. My own audiologist even though he quoted $400 for him to do it at an appointment, also said it’s quite easy to do myself. The info about needing programming came from a review on YouTube.

You need the Roger On 3 iN with your hearing aids.

Note the iN.


True, if you purchase a Roger On (non iN).

The Roger On (without iN) does not come with receivers, and therefore you need to buy extra Roger X receivers. As you need für any non “iN” Roger microphones. And for installation (license transfer) of the receivers you need to ask/pay an audiologist.

You should get a Roger On iN which have Roger receivers included.

Only with a Roger iN microphone you can perform the transfer of the Roger receivers into your Phonak hearing aids by yourself (DIY).

The Roger iN microphones have receivers included.

Installation guide for all Roger iN microphones (Roger On iN , Roger Select iN , Roger Table Mic iN, Roger Pen iN)

Installation_Guide_BtB_Roger_iN_microphones_210x297_EN_V1.00.pdf (158.6 KB)


FIRENZI: But as I said in my original post I am asking ONLY about the Roger On 3, which already has unlimited licenses and operates on the 2.4 ghz band which is license free. So you don’t need to buy anything extra. So, does that new model require programming by an audiologist?

ZEBRAS:’i’m pretty sure the Roger On 3 is one model only, always with built in Roger Direct.

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Okay, the Roger On 3 comes with unlimited receivers included.

Whereas Roger On V2 and Roger On (V1) and the other Roger microphones were available in two versions, as non iN and as iN.

So, does that new model require programming by an audiologist?
→ not for the installation of the receivers.

→ programming may be needed for other aspects like setup of the Roger programm , if you don’t like the factory settings.
It is possible to
- adjust the soundsettings (bass, mids , treble) of the Roger programm
- adjusting settings for microphone behaviour in the Roger programm
- adjusting other settings of the Roger programm
If you have a copy of Target and Noahlink Wireless, you could do these adjustments at home

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