Does Oticon still service OPN1s?

ANSWER: as of April 2024, a member had his Oticon OPN 1s serviced by Oticon. Received his original hearing aids back repaired.

QUESTION: I am wearing Oticon OPN1s that I have had since 2017. No insurance coverage, so goal is to continue to wear them as long as they last. Does anyone know if Oticon still services OPN1s? If yes, do they actually fix them or send you an aid that has been refurbished? My audiologist says that Oticon doesn’t service them anymore.


Yes they do. I just sent a clients OPN S aids for service last week with no issues.

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Louie, you got OPN S aids serviced. How about the original OPN? Have you gotten any of them serviced lately?

I believe I did a pair a few months ago but my memory is hazey. My understanding is (and I could be wrong here) they legally have to continue to service a hearing aid for at least 5 years after they discontinue the production/sale of that device. It might be more than 5 years… I’m not entirely sure. This will of course depends on the protection laws in each country.

My audiologist sent in my Opn 1s in April and the same aids were returned repaired.

Thanks all. Glad to hear that Oticon is still servicing OPN 1s.