Does damage to a mold affect hearing aid performance?

I don’t know how or when it happened. I discovered it last night by accident. We’re talking a couple of long cracks. Where the cracks intersect, the surface of the mould is slightly depressed and you can push it in further with a fingertip. Breaking a piece off into the inside of the mould would be possible with decent pressure.

That side has been a bit problematic for a while. Slightly less sonically comfortable than the other in that it’s a bit boomier, a bit overpowering of the other side. So, is there a possible link? I’ll email my audiologist at Cosco over the weekend, but curious to hear others’ opinions.

A cracked earmold will affect the performance of the hearing aid, but the biggest issue here is that sweat will get in and burn the receiver.

I would guess you’d get a slightly leakier fit but the boominess sounds like the opposite of that. Either way it’s time for a new mold and if you use UP receivers (I doubt it) you’d need a new receiver too. Depending on how old other mold is might want to go for a pair. I guess this partially depends on what hearing aids you’re in. Have you settled on a pair or are you still considering switching?

I was wondering about that too. That’s a real issue in this climate.

Boominess, rattle? Don’t know. I find myself second guessing myself on the performance of my hearing aids a lot these days. As you say, I’ll find out when I get a new mold.

I’m still in the 9040s but I’ll get the 9050s when they’re available. The audiologist hadn’t heard anything about when that might be when we communicated a few days ago.

The 9040s help me at home but not many other places, so I’ll keep looking. The audi is aware of that and wants to help. I guess we’re trying to find the limits of what’s possible for me.