Do USA audiologists use different measuring scales for hearing loss than Italian audiologists?

Going to Italy this spring and found out the the Vatican Museum offers tours for people who have hearing loss. A person needs to have 74% hearing loss to qualify. The US does not measure hearing loss in percentages. Anybody have any experience with Italian hearing measuring scales? I have Bilateral severe to profound hearing loss. It would be really nice to qualify.


Hearing loss is measured in decibels (by frequency), for instance, the WHO classifies this in four grades:

As we have seen over the past three centuries for basic astronomy, the Vatican can sometimes be a bit slow in updating its scientific insights, but saying that the WHO qualifies your hearing loss as “profound” may help here.

I’m Italian and can confirm it’s true that hearing loss is usually converts in % here but I’m not sure what scale is used.

But it must be pretty official as you need to reach certain % levels to qualify for a free hearing aid or some contribution from the national health system.

Thanks for your feedback. Yes I need to do some more research. I posted the question on a travel forum and its not the percentage of hearing loss its the percentage of disability. So go figure. Not too sure who or what to ask questions.

Then it’s even more complicated. Because 70% disability means you’re completely deaf and unable to work.

I have severe hearing loss and my percentage of disability is 40%.

Yes I just went the National Library of Medicine and found that out. The Assessment of Disability in Italy: The Laborious Procedure and Sharing of Objectives. Thanks for all your feedback.