Do I need to toss my old hearing aids in the trash?

I purchased a pair of Lively hearing aids a few years ago. The company was rebranded and now owned by Jabra.

Last year I purchased a pair of Oticons and am happily using them.

I would like to give the Livelys to somebody who can use them, but Jabra tells me they won’t reprogram the aids for anybody other than the original owner, which seems really, really evil.

I don’t want to throw them away, but I’m not sure there is any way of getting them properly functional for a new user. I offered to give them to the Center for Hearing and Communication, my nonprofit audiologist, but they said they don’t have access to the software necessary to reprogram them.

I believe they were manufactured by Resound, but I’m not sure.

Would appreciate any suggestions.

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Keep them as back up just in case, that way if you have to have your new aids shipped off for repair or something else you have a spare set if you need it. I know many audiology And vision places have boxes where you can donate old hearing aids and glasses to be used for children/adults who need them in various countries.


Lion’s Club also accepts donations of hearing aids and glasses.


Thanks, folks. Lions Club directed me to

which is where I’ll be sending them.