Do I need Roger On or Roger On iN?

I am trying to remember, but I think I failed to get the license off the Marvels back to the Select IN before transfering to the Paradise. This is not visual on the Select. Is it more straight forward or visual on the Roger ON iN?

My concern is either losing a hearing aid or having one damaged and not be able to get the license off the aid. I assume I would need a Roger X and the Transfer device. To get license back in the Roger ON iN. Is this correct? I assume I could perhaps go to a Phonak dealer and get new license put on the Roger ON iN. Might be cheaper to buy the Transfer and two Roger X and do it yourself.

Last question. Can a Paradise hold a license for both the Select and the ON at the same time? I assume you would need them both installed.

The license enables the hearing aid for both any Roger Mic (Type 3 for Pen/On/Select etc).

Thanks Peter, I think I am catching on. So if I damage a hearing aid, I send it back to Phonak and they reinstall a license. If I want to move to my spares, I take the license off the two hearing aids and reinstall. I take it the hearing aids have room for any two Direct devices. I called Phonak here in the USA, but they only want to talk to audiologist. As a retired controls engineer, I usually know more than the audi about networking. I taught mine how to do pairing.

I suppose you can buy a Roger X 3 off eBay, but you would also need an installer. Direct took that away, but did not solve the problem of removing a license from a lost or damaged hearing aid.

I like the simplicity of the TV Connector that uses Bluetooth and does not care about licenses. Looks like all the knowledge about Roger resides in the UK. I can see where iN made it easier, but the license is still an impediment. However, Direct didget rid of the neck loop we never had with us. The Select works great at the dinner table, but the ON looks more versitile.

Hearing Tracker rocks with knowledge from around the world. Thanks again.


@pclewis ,the transfer system uses flashing lights for the select and pen.
Graphic display for the On.
If you loose your aids it seems Phonak says tough luck.
If they are damaged then you could be lucky and get them back to the On.
I think you are beginning to understand now.
Remember Roger is for audis as far as Phonak is concerned and all the information is on the pro website if you really want to spend the time.

So, another knowledgable Brit. I love you guys. Phonak’s pro website helps, but does not answer everything.

Is this right? The key for license is the serial number of the iN device. I have to install license from both the Select and the ON on both hearing aids. Direct with iN just lets you do it without the Installer and Roger X. I can see a real mess if two people were at the table with ON that were not paired or SN sensitive. I should all the SN’s in Target.

However, still possible to use older ON without iN, but you need the Installer and Roger X. If you don’t already have this, you might as well go the iN route since the total cost is similar.

Why can’t someone from Phonak tell me this? Because I am not an audi. Over the counter HA’s here in the US may get some of their market, but the Phonaks of the world own people with our hearing loss. I have no complaints about their products.

We are rare grandparents that can do more with computers and electronics than our grandkids.

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Sorry I don’t understand some of what you asking.
Serial numbers are not related to licences.
Remember that in addition to transferring licences you still have to pair your aids with the microphone before it works. This stops others from connecting to your aids without your permission.
You seem to have Target. The licences show up as "03 licence installed "for each aid.
However you get there you need four licences for two aids and one microphone.
The rest is expense and convenience.
I think what Phonak does is despicable but you can see a defence in using the audi as a screen.
Unfortunately the experience of members on here is abysmal re Roger.
For us lazy members however we have "Roger Google " which is almost instant and very reliable. She is called @Zebras and is very knowledgeable and has the patience of Job.
A search will reveal the hundreds of posts she has solved.


Agree 100% on @Zebras… Ruth is a very cleaver cookie, and an extreme asset to this forum… Helped me out on dozens of occasions…Thank you Ruth :heart: (I hope you are now suitably embarrassed) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And yes, IMO sometimes Ruth’s patience wears a bit thin, totally understandable though! I cannot praise Ruth highly enough, a wonderful human being, and very brave, when you consider her health issues!!! Cheers Kev :grin:


Agreed on Ruth, she gave me all the info needed to get Target going, and in understanding Roger.

Having said that, before buying private, I took my Roger On into my NHS Audiologist. Her response: “What’s that?”

My current, excellent, Audiologist had very little knowledge of Roger, as he generally doesn’t deal with Phonak. He was far more interested though.

This forum really is the best resource on the internet. Before jouning, I had very badly programmed Marvel M70s, where people had to continually repeat themselves, to much better programmed P90s and much improved M70s, which I experiment with. Both have Roger installed, and I have a Roger On and Roger Select.



Roger X
Can someone help please ?
The picture is showing an Roger Receiver, beneath the connectors is engraved: 1131NY3L9

  • Is this the serial number of the Roger Receiver ? Or can the serial number found somewhere else on the receiver housing?

Thanks. Is this screen from Target , or from Roger Software Updater ?

I see that the receiver is from Q4/2011 , so its old and not usefull for actual HADs because serial is lower than 1744


It’s from Target :slight_smile:


You need one Roger license in each hearing aid and then you are good to go with the Roger devices. For example, I have one license in each ear and therefore can, and do, pair with Roger On’s (more than one), a Roger Select and a couple of Roger Table Mic II’s.


LOL! To keep us on our toes. It’s a lively game of “whack-a-mole!” Replace battery aids with rechargeable aids and now you can DOUBLE the revenue as folks needing 24 hours a day of hearing now and then will HAVE to have that second pair charged up and ready to go. :wink:

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Dear Sally and everyone else! I’ve been in the same situation because theoretically, the Lumity 90R device shouldn’t require the On In, but I had to install it, and I couldn’t find the necessary tools at the audiology offices. So, in the end, I sold what I hastily bought and ordered an On In device. I really like it, but I mainly use it with the docking station for watching TV because it’s quite loud in social situations. My hearing is not bad overall, but I desired this James Bond gadget. :slight_smile:

I would like to ask how much you finally paid for the Roger On In device and in which country? If you didn’t buy it, how much would it have cost? This question is for everyone else as well – what are the prices for the Roger On In device in your country when sold at regular, non-inflated prices? I was thinking of buying in bulk and selling the new device on eBay for $600, including full packaging, international warranty, TV docking station, etc. What do you think, will there be buyers at this price? What are the forum regulations regarding advertisements? I assume I can’t sell anything directly. Would it be acceptable to mention where, what, and for how much I’m selling, and those interested can visit the site (eBay)? I’m not advertising anything yet; I’m just trying to assess the market. If you say you can buy the device for $450-500, then I’ll abandon this idea (I hope to make about $100-120 profit per device)… Currently, I don’t have a job, and in my country, it’s very affordable to get Phonak products. That’s why I’m considering this. Have a great day!

If it doesn’t already have licenses installed from some other source, the Lumity will require the On In rather than just the On. However, there are often cheaper ways of getting those licenses than buying a new On In.

You can’t reliably buy it new in the US for less than $1000 or so, but that may change since the v2 came out and sellers may want to offload their inventory of v1s. You can buy it used on ebay in guaranteed working condition for $300 or so, or “for parts” (which usually works fine) for less than that if you’re willing to wait and hunt for bargains. But I don’t think I’ve seen it new for less than $750 or so.

Personally, I wouldn’t pay extra to buy it new rather than used from ebay or any other source, because I’ve heard that trying to get Phonak to honor its warranty when you didn’t buy from an audiologist is a nightmare. I’d also be concerned that the warranty on a device intended for sale in Europe wasn’t the same as one intended for the American market, and might not allow me to send it to Phonak’s American service center for repairs. And depending on where these are coming from, the warranty might have started running months or years before I bought it. So if I buy on ebay, it’s with the expectation of having to solve any technical problems myself.

You can search completed listings on ebay and see what these typically sell for. It looks like a few have sold for over $600, but most are under $500, often by a lot. You might make a bit of extra cash by selling 1-2 every few months, but I wouldn’t expect them to sell quickly at that price.


Dear CombatWombat!

This was an extensive and knowledgeable response, thank you very much. It’s true, upon further reflection, the international warranty on my Roger On In device has already expired, as the warranty sticker was placed in December 2022. (The warranty for Roger On In is one year.) The audiology service does offer warranty coverage, but it’s specific to my name. So, ultimately, I would sell it without warranty, and $600 is not as favorable. Unfortunately, eBay deducts 13-15%, which I find quite substantial, but there’s no choice. Thus, selling it for less than $600 wouldn’t be worthwhile for me, especially considering limited stock. As you mentioned, they probably want to sell the last remaining units, making it relatively affordable in Hungary. Nonetheless, there are not many Roger On In devices for sale on eBay, very few, in fact. Based on this, I might consider selling 1-2 units per month, but there’s a risk it may not happen. I quickly lost enthusiasm for the idea :grin::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth: (Maybe I’ll try it with just one unit.) Have a great day! Andras

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Yeah, been on the lookout on eBay for a Roger On V2, but to be honest, they are selling at around the same price, as I can buy new from Connevans, with a warranty, for £695, if I sign the VAT waver, I don’t need the iN, I have plenty licenses, I got 5 sets of licenses from a Roger Select iN, I bought this from eBay for £170, the battery was goosed, I renewed the battery with a slightly bigger one, 500mAh, it now runs perfect :grin: good luck in your search, cheers Kev :wink: