DIY - Self Programming, How to Find Fitting Software

New hearing aid user. Phonak audeo marvel 70 R.
Would love to try out the Phonak Target 6.01 Software.
Or newer. Thanks!
Got it. Works fine. Thanks.

I can’t send the big file until tomorrow, If no one has provided it to you after 12 hours, please PM me.

Check your messages.

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thank you very much for your help

Looking for Target 6.1.
Thanks in advance

Check your messages.

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Somehow I messed up a link I had. Need new link for M90s, 6.1. Thank you very much.

You might want to send a PM and not have your email address on a public forum.

Sorry Rick I do not know how to send a PM. I don’t even know what a PM is.

When you click on a person’s avatar in the upper left you will see the members audiogram and some information about that member. In the upper right corner of that small page is a message button. You can click that and send a PM (private message) to any member.


To the left of the reply button on each post there are three little dots, you can select that to delete a post or you can select the little pencil with eraser to make changes to your post if you like.


Thanks Rick you have been very helpful.

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Thanks to everyone for their help!

I have lost my Rexfit 7.5 Connexx disk can anyone supply a copy?
Thanks Don

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Hi all,
I am looking for a link to Target 6.1 I want to adjust my KS9 hearing aids.
Thanks in advance

I’m also looking for the Phonak Target software/download. Can somebody help/pm me?
Thanks so much

hello Mike, I’m from Belgium and also looking for Phonak Target 6.2. Will try to install it on a mac under Parallels. Can you give me a hint where to find it ?

Hi Jean-Pierre. I will send you a direct message

I am also looking for Target 6.1 software for my KS9 hearing aids. I just recently got these HA and I am interested in fine tuning one of the manual programs for playing the violin. I will share my finding in case others are interested.
Thanks in advance.

Hi all,

I too am looking for Target 6.1 or 6.2 for my Phonak Marvels… best regards