DIY - Self Programming, How to Find Fitting Software

Hello, I am also looking for the latest Phonak Target Software Download. Can anyone share? Thanks!

Hello, can someone PM a link for Target 6.2.6 or 7.0 please? Thanks

Me too! Can anyone send me a link to the Phonak Target software? Thanks!

I think I’m all set - thanks again to those who responded!

Thanks … .

Sent you a private message.

Following this thread for a while, it’s only Phonak who try to restrict access to their software. Why do they try to do that?

Ok thank you. I see that there is a complexity out there that I didn’t know about! Glad I happened to need Resound and had found one of their download sites quite easily on my own.

All good thanks a bunch!

Did you get a link? I too am looking for the Phonak Target software (7.0?) for the Paradise 90-RT. I’m trying to see if it can be fine tuned more effectively for music.

I have purchased a Noahlink interface and am now up and running! Every day I learn something more about the Phonaks that I am using (Phonak Audeo, B90 13 Direct). They are now performing so much better than when I received them. Thanks for helping me!

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Hi, could someone point me in direction of Widex fitting software for Evokes, also older version for aids prior to Dreams. Thank you.

Fitting software for Re Sound linx quattro
Anyone has a link for download

Happy new year from New Zealand

Hello everyone! MY father uses a Phonak Virto m70. I would like to help him to get better sounds. And get used to it better. Could someone give me a link for Phonak Target 6 version or newer?
Without a NOAHlink just trough bluetooth they can not be programmed?
Tank you!

You need Noahlink Wireless, can’t connect with regular Bluetooth adapters.

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It seems only the Virto M-312 model is wireless, if you don’t have this exact model you’ll need a HiPro and cables to program them, use the search button from right here on hearingtracker to find how to do this, best to ask all questions and research before you start DIY,with the right information its easy.


Hi All,
My provider is going on a full lockdown due to covid. Yet I still need fine tuning.
A link to Phonak Target 6.x (she was using release 7 this morning) would be real nice.


Hello. Happy new year to all of you. My mom is using Phonak Marvel 312, I got Phonak Target to help her when she need and my question now is do I need any hardware to connect the hearing aid with the computer? if yes can you recommend me the cheapest one that works?
thank you very much for your help.

Happy new year! I am also looking for Phonak Target. It would be much appreciated if someone could send me a link for it.

Would anyone kindly send me the Phonak Target Software that is compatible with the KS9.0’s? Would highly appreciate it.

EDIT: Thank you for those who have reached out :slight_smile: