Moved my comment here because it is way off topic in the other thread.
Tenkan “It doesn’t matter in the scheme of things, everything is available, there isn’t anything in the school that’s not freely available from most forum members right here and now, in reality the little “DIY project” is everyone on this forum.”
Of course you are correct. It is just that the DIY school is a organized source and is available immediately. I found it is a tremendous help, as well as the help from all of the other members here
Agreed that PVC does some good work, and it’s a shame when material is lost or harder to access. Unfortunately his contributions tend to be accompanied by excess drama. YEARS of drama that it appears the moderators are tired of wasting their time on. My previous post with a brief summary of some history. DIY - How to get started with self-programming - #29 by Dusty
Also, I remember before he posted the diy links directly to the software that the forum was trying to avoid putting direct links in posts. The software itself isn’t for sale, so copyright issues are not immediately a flag, but they are intended for hearing specialists and not individuals. The company is well within their rights to ask the forum to take things down if they get annoyed. That’s why people would reply within pm with links instead of a single thread. I liked the idea but was concerned that it would be an issue.
Yes of course it is, again my point wasn’t to knock the amount of work thats gone into putting the school together (crikey, he must have a lot time on his hands that’s for sure!)