DIY Oticon Xceed 1 and CROS: How to Open Up the MPO?

I see @Zebras got you sorted, so I’ll just say you definitely had everything cranked way to high, and that was causing the distortion.
From your previous post, I mistakenly thought you were adjusting the Sound Control sliders in the Fine Tuning screen.
Anyway, glad it’s better, and as @mdb suggested, a baby monitor would be ideal.
I had a panasonic cordless phone with 2 handsets, and used them as an intercom when my late wife was alive for that purpose.

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Are you aware that selecting fuller, just reduces the highs by 6dB? Might be why it’s muffled?!


You rock, @Zebras!! That has resolved the muffleness issue with the ConnectClip on my TV.

Thank you for all your help!

The fuller designation is really quite the misnomer. I did not mouse-over the tabs long enough to see the further detail of that setting when I worked with them the first time around.

Thanks again!!

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Further updates: To resolve other sound issues, I have had to move some of the audio frequencies up by a few dB. This helped to improve clarity and loudness of speech while also preserving background noise and also protecting my hearing in the process.

I am so happy with the sound of my hearing aids now on both the ConnectClip and normal use that I don’t need further adjustments for a long while.

Thank you all for all your help, especially @Zebras and @tenkan!!


EDIT: Nope. The first time was some sort of fluke. After subsequent times, my TV went to its usual setting and deactivated the AMPLIFY mode on ConnectClip. Looks like I need a new, updated TV (perhaps an Amazon FireTV) that has the option for increasing volume on bluetooth audio. I got this TV in 2019 when I didn’t even have bluetooth streaming on my hearing aids yet.

Sigh. Oh, well.

Thank you all, especially @Zebras and @tenkan for all your help and DIY information.