DiY Hearing Aids?

Hi, I’m new to this site. I have been offered a hearing aid from my family, they are frustrated with me. (oops) (lol) I’m looking at the DiY Hearing Aids where you buy online and do all the calibration stuff yourself. You apparently get the software and gadget for taking care of the adjustments yourself and the package will run around $1,400.00 for one or about $2000 for two. Anyone have any experience or solid science on these? ( You can look up DiY Hearing Aids) Moe

Just curious but have you eliminated the possibility of seeing a professional about your hearing loss and for hearing aids? Why a DiY product?

DiY Hearing Aids is really the same company as HearSource (& Manan Hearing Care). Notice they all have the same address.

I tried some Hearsource FreeStyle open fit aids with the additional directional microphone and T-coil. These aids lack features that are common in many mainstream hearing aids today.

Many hearing aids use multiple microphones to aid in directionality. The hearsource aids can only use one microphone on a given program. Tou need to choose onmi, directional, or T-coil.

I do not know what your audiogram looks like, but i could not get the sound quality I needed without feedback. I tried semi-occluding & tulip domes, but they did not help. I could not use the double power domes.

According to DiY lets you return the aids with no fee within 2 weeks of certain conditions are met. Their policy os not totally clear, but I suspect they need to receive them within the 2 weeks. That is an extremely shout trial period. You can return them within 30 days woth a 10% restocking fee.

The Hearsource policy at is slightly different. They only have the 10% fee option. They must receive the aids within the 30 days to get the refund.

I took the 10% “hit” as a lesson learned.

These aids work well for some people, but without seeing your audiogram, I cannot give you any recommendation. I can only share my Hearsource experience.

My current professional has a 60 day trial and only charges $50 per aid for returning, to cover shipping costs to the manufacturer.

I echo DocAudio’s question. Why have you eliminated seeing a hearing professional? You will need to see one to get an audiogram for the Internet company anyway. You can get a better fit & have feedback & real ear measurenents customized to your ears. They cannot do that online.

If you are a first time hearing aid wearer there is a learning curve associated with wearing hearing aids. My advice would be find a local audiologist you like and trust, who is an expert on the brands he/she fits, and communicate a lot with the audiologist.

It takes several adjustment sessions to get everything just right.

If you have hearing loss in both ears, get two hearing aids. I made the mistake of just getting one at first. Two are much better.

Moe: If this is your first set of aids, don’t you think it would be wise to first see a ENT doctor and find out why you are losing some of your hearing, Then at least see a professional and see what they recommend.

I think internet do it yourself is for people with uncomplicated mild or moderate losses and with some experience with aids and computers. Just my opinion, Ed

Most people on this board agree that your choice of hearing professional is the most important part of this process. You need a professional that knows their product reasonably well and will work with you to get the sound you need.

You cannot look at their credentials & tell if they are a good choice. I went to a degreed audiologist who would only make minor adjustments, assuming the aids were working perfectly. I now go to a hearing aid fitter. I think he could be more knowledgeable of my aids, but he listens and is trying to help. That makes a big difference.

I agree you should first go to an ENT, though to rule out any physical issues.

I wish you luck on your hearing aid journey.

Hi Moe,
DIY hearing aids will always have their limits because you do not know the condition of your ear canals. Ear canals play a big role in the performance of hearing aids. Also, there are dangerous medical conditions to consider before fitting an aid. How do you know how much cerumen is in your ears? This earwax must be minimal for hearing aids to work well. And, for the price for one DIY aid, you are practically paying the price of a professionally dispensed aid. As a dispenser, I only charge $1450 for Phonak level III aids. This summer they have a 2 year warranty too. Why go DIY?