DIY Dehumidifier

Hello once more.

As I’m usually facing my hearing aids and their accompanyying assistive devices need for dehumidification I’m thinking about building a DYI dehumidification chamber to use not only for those need but also for taking care of my other electronics.

I already own a Dry & Store Global (TRG-AA) which very tightly fits my two Oticon Dynamo SP10 BTE hearing aids and my Oticon Streamline Pro streamer in the same time.

So I was thinking to build something that could dehumidify and optionally disinfect my larger electronic devices, for example my my mobile phone or my gamepad.

Has anyone any related ideas/projects/products on how to proceed on such a project?

You could buy a laboratory dessicator like this one:

And put silica gel or drierite in the bottom. At least one brand of cat litter that has the word “crystals” in the name is nothing but silica gel.

That would dry the electronics but I can’t think of a way do disinfect them without chemicals or high heat.