Did I damage my speakers?

Brand new user of HAs. Obtained a pair of Phonak Lumity L70s about a week ago. Never thought of myself as HI but it turns out I’ve been missing a lot.

This is probably a stupid question… But it’s been nagging at me, because these things cost me a fortune.

During my fitting, my audiologist asked me to stream music from my phone. The L70s were of course already in my ears. I started playing music – hard rock, no less – but had forgotten that the Bluetooth volume on my phone was at 100%.

The music fired into my eardrums at full volume for a few seconds. It was unpleasant, to say the least.

Is there a chance that I damaged the tiny speakers on the L70s? What makes me wonder is the fact that my voice and certain other things have a tinny, sort of distorted quality to them. But from what I read, that could also be the fact that my brain isn’t used to hearing at those frequencies.

You are correct it does take awhile for you to get used to the sound of your own voice. At the end of the month if you still feel that you damaged your aids, get your audi to check them when you go back for an adjustment It will probably take a few sessions before you are satisfied where they are at.