Dani's trip to his CI


In July 2019 I realized that the hearing aids are no longer more adjustable, that I am at the end of my hearing aid career. All frequencies are set so that they do not just reach the pain threshold (UCL). That is about 100dB across all frequencies. Silent sound is set very strongly so that I can hear the “high”-frequency speech component at all. This means that the usable dynamic range in the language area is very low due to the principle. In addition I rely on almost the strongest frequency compression of this hearing aid, because I haven’t heard anything above 2kHz for a long time.

A contribution from Sheryl gave me the decisive kick:

Although I am very hard of hearing I have always relied heavily on hearing because my eyes are of little help in my movement. If I have to learn all the sounds again especially those in traffic then that’s a massive problem when you can’t see anything anymore.

Because I don’t understand spoken language very well I have withdrawn to enjoy music. Because that was not exhausting it was beneficial. So music was just my escape. In fact personal contact with real life persons is very important to me. Therefore my attitude changed very quickly from a tacit attitude to an unconditional desire for a CI.