Custom molds styles

Has anyone found a difference other then style between Different types of earmolds?
(Skeleton, full shell, half shell, 3/4 shell, canal,etc.)
I was supposed to originally get skeleton earmolds but was told to go with a full shell because the skeleton would be less durable since they are made of soft silicone.
The lab will try to make vents as large as they can without compromising the molds.
I am going back and forth between a skeleton, 3/4 shell, and full shell due to my retention issues.
It felt as if even with the smallest blocker my er canal was too narrow(not totally seen in the pictures)
Below are some pictures of my impressions
Left impression

Right impression

Just a slight FWIW, overfilling with that much putty is likely to cause some physical deformation to the material during the setting process. Otherwise they look good - especially the one to the 2nd bend.

Also: why the moulds with that loss?

I’ve had very bad retention issues and a need for more occlusion then able I am able to get with closed domes comfortably because of my ear size.

I finally got canal silicon custom molds and what a difference in sound and word recognition, however, my hearing lost is much worse than yours. I also have a narrow-left ear canal and Phonak could not make a canal mold for my P90R hearing aids, so my Audi went to Starkey, and they made a custom mold with vents. She did tell me that they are very thin and to be careful inserting and removing them. I like the silicon molds and so far so good. Good luck to you.