Custom mold 105 vs 100?

An audiologist recommended the oticon intent 105 custom molds for my hearing problem. I use 100. But are the differences worth it?

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In your case I would say yes. Look at my audiogram, my receivers are 105db and i have custom ear molds that have very small vents. It is all about what you and your audiologist is trying to accomplish. My goal was the very best speech understanding as possible. I have gotten that plus being able to enjoy music after a half century of not being able to stand to listen to music. It also took 18 months of monthly adjustments to raise the level of sound and to allow my brain to adjust to the higher sound levels that i needed to truly understand speech.


What is the difference in gain between the 100 and 105?

I can still use a Phonak Power receiver (guessing similar to oticon 100) because it has max gain of 57, i think, and i dont have gain on any frequency set above 50 in the software (Target).

The UP receiver has much more headroom, but i dont need it.

If you use the Oticon Rescue technology the 100 db receivers should be fine. This feature might take a little getting used to but helps many.
Let us know and good luck.

It’s 100dB and 105dB so 5dB. :slight_smile:

yes, but question is: for my problem hear, this 5dB it is worth it?

I don’t know about this feature. is not a feature that causes “ssss”?

I think the 100 and 105 are the fitting ranges, not gain.

Found the gain numbers. At 1600hz, the 100 max gain is 56. The 105 is 65. I may be over simplfying this, or just plain wrong, but if you are not maxing out the gain in the 100, in the software (Genie), then it looks like you could go with the 100.

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Don take a look at my audiogram, then think about the fact that my receivers are 105db. You will ask why? To be honest it is to allow me to have aids adjusted to my maximum audiogram requirements without feedback or artifacts when sounds like music are listened to. It allows me to only need the default general program. It has allowed me the understand speech and enjoy music. I am not music trained and until recently haven’t been able to enjoy music. With my INTENT1 aids, custom ear molds with embedded 105db receivers I have the best speech understanding and can even enjoy music. My favorite music is classical instrumentals, with lots of brass horns, woodwinds, and string instruments. I also love piano solos and guitar solos. Being born in the late 1940s i love old country and old rock and roll. But most of all i am enjoying being able to be a part of my church groups and the American Legion meetings again.

What artifacts do you get with the 100? Ive never had Oticons, but Phonak always seems to be conservative in what they can handle. I do fine with Power receivers (gain around 57 i think).

Don my audiologist took from 85db receivers straight to 105db receivers. So i don’t have your answer. But the 85db receivers I was hearing the compression circuits any time that my aids were adjusted to give me the volume I needed to understand speech and the music i loved was very distorted. You must understand I started out with aids some 20 years ago that had neither a way to have more than the default program or volume controls. I prefer not having extra programs, and insist on my aids being adjusted to the point of no extra programs. Volume controls i deal with very seldomly. Yes I know some prefer having control over the programs they use. But I believe and understand from experience that probably adjusted aids should and can do it on their own, releaving me from having to remember what program to use. I don’t like pulling out my phone to open an app to make changes. Why should I be a slave to my phone or aids when my aids are there for my needs.