Custom Earmold with phonak Marvel RIC? Advice?

My audiologist and me have agreed that custom earmolds might work best for me due to retention and better sound quality with more occlusion. I have “the smallest ear canals my aud has seen”(could barely fit the cap domes into my ears) and have been using makeshift “earmolds” (skeleton style) and i have found that my hearing aid is more comfortable and snug when I have the “mold” farther down on the receiver/wire. I’m not quite sure if it is possible for an earmold to make the receiver sit more into the ear and be able to partially cover the wire because when the wire does not sit flush to my head the hearing aid tends to slip off my ear. Even with a size 0 wire which might even be a bit to long the hearing aid has little room to sit behind my ear
1st image,how the hearing aid sits with the adjustments

2nd image,how far the wire/receiver is covered

Does anyone know if this kind of customization could be done? I am going through microsonic inc for my earmolds. We also chose a RIC hearing aid for me since I only have a flat mild loss but a severe SNR with tinnitus and APD.