Creating a program for music concerts / festivals

I like my music but have never really been able to get a sound through my hearing aid that I am happy with. Naturally I have to reduce the volume in my aid and I will often try to make adjustments to the bass/middle/high frequencies in the manufacturers app.

I’d really like to work with my audiologist on this one but because the concerts are infrequent I know this is going to take a lot of trial and error. Has anyone tried to do this before? I know that bass frequencies travel in different ways to higher and mid frequencies. Sound engineers will mix the artists sound to suit the venue etc. Sometimes the volume is absolutely crazy, easily over 100 decibels. I’m wondering if anyone here has experience programming aids for this context. I’m wondering…

Maximum output threshold, should this be exact same as main program?
Should noise reduction be on or off?
Assume dynamic range be as wide as possible, is this true?
What should be done with compression settings?
I assume directionality be straight ahead?
Should lower frequencies be reduced assuming that I am located say 50m from stage?
How to manage mid-higher frequencies?
Genre: Would be Rock / Electronic / Pop, indoor and outdoor (if this matters)

Obviously the controls will vary from HA model to model, but in generic terms what should I look for in my first attempt?

There are many threads in this forum regarding music, just do a search, and you will find answers to everything.

Are you able to do any self-programming at all? I found for myself that creating a specific music setting at home was much easier if I had loud music playing at the time, particularly songs I know really well. I started with the pre-set music program and then tweaked the sound to how I like it, including turning off any “smart” settings so they function more like Bluetooth headphones might.
If you have to work with your Audi, maybe they’d be open to you playing some music on your phone with a speaker for example and see how you go? I always find it weird that most Audis do the programming in a soundproof booth :joy:

I know this doesn’t answer your technical questions (I don’t feel qualified to yet). I hope you can sort it and enjoy awesome concerts.


Thanks for your reply @Tee