Costco - seemingly a poor option for severe to profound loss

Do not want to be negative about Costco as I have had a good run with my KS10s. Yes, I was affected by the charger problem as with others, however as soon as I explained that I was having persistent issues they asked me to return the aids and charger and I received them back a couple of weeks ago, now working perfectly.

Anyway, my hearing is now slightly worse than is indicated on my audiogram (need to update it). I am now firmly in the severe to profound loss category. One thing I have noticed is that music is a lot better wearing a BTE (Oticon Dynamo) than with the RIC (KS10s). With that thought I broached the idea of an upgrade at Costco.

The fitter made enquiries about the Phillips Hearlink BTE. He said there was a rechargeable and a disposable battery option, but the latter was only available with a size 312 battery. He said that would be insufficient for my loss. He then enquired about the Jabra (Pro I think). This had no BTE option, but a RIC with a size 13 battery. I asked about Rexton but he said this was older technology.

I am unsure now whether to forget about the BTE altogether and stick to RICs with a UP receiver. Certainly there appears to be less choice in the severe/profound category. This is in general, not just an issue with Costco. This is worrying as the severe/profound loss segment requires specialised aids with more horsepower/different sound processing strategies - more linear sound etc. I say worrying - I mean also from a financial viewpoint as I have never seen superpower aids discounted.

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since you already have the KS10 trying a UP receiver would be quite easy.

Yes. Well - I have a UP receiver with the KS10s. No problem in most situations except maybe music. The UP receiver fits well within my loss and with frequency lowering it’s all good. I am not complaining. It’s just a gray area. One audiologist will fit a UP receiver with a RIC and another will prescribe a superpower BTE (for my loss and perhaps the severe to profound segment).

I think the tubing on the BTE mould befits better music aesthetics. But it might be the power of the BTE as well.

You should not see a technician for this kind of hearing loss. You need audiologist since your case is not typical and require expert in severe to profound loss…


Yes, my impression from reading this forum is that Costco for hearing aids is a good provider for the person who has mild to moderate hearing loss, and whose hearing loss follows the pattern of decreasing hearing ability with increasing audio frequency.


Yeah, I agree with most of your sentiments @glucas, it is worrying the lack of BTE UP’s availability in the market nowadays, the main players seem to be steering away from this niche, it’s been 5 years since Oticon released their Xceed BTE, a long time in technological terms…Thankfully, Phonak are still on the case with their imminent release of the Phonak Naida Lumity Ultra Power BTE with 675 batteries, they also appear to be releasing a Naida Super Power BTE, that is rechargeable? Along with a Cros…TBH, I think Phonak likes to portray themselves in their advertising blurbs as “Still looking after the severe/profound for more than 50 years”, it gives them the moral high ground, and a feel good factor, and FairPlay to them, as this market isn’t as lucrative as the mild/moderate/moderately severe thresholds, the other manufacturers appear to be abandoning us, as they chase the higher profit margins with more sales, and if you think about this logically, we are probably the ones whom require good hearing aids the most! Another thought crept into my brain there, perhaps Phonak as they diversify, are slightly hedging their bets, with the advent of OTC aids, and self programming these OTC aids, the bottom might be about to drop out of the the more lucrative market, in the not too distant future, as more companies develop OTC aids, (perhaps Apple) the market share will dwindle…If that scenario pans out, there is only the niche market of the severe/profound left, and Phonak at present, are the only game in town? Just my 2 cents worth. As always, YMMV… Cheers Kev :wink:


The new Naida Rechargeable seems to replace the Bolero as suitable for mild to severe-ish hearing loss.


After looking at the Costco Hearing Center on the internet I have to agree with you.
There are no behind the ear aids available as far as I can tell. When they quit Phonak the server/profound aids went away from Costco.

That’s to bad.

What receivers are you using on your KS10 aids? Looking at your audiogram I would think P receivers would work but UP would probably be better with your low frequency hearing loss.

I know there was a point in my hearing loss aids just didn’t get the job done. Music and loud places just didn’t happen for me.
We are all different concerning our hearing.

Good luck with this.


Thank you. Yes. I am using UP receivers. As I say, they do a job. It’s whether they are optimal for the severe/profound loss segment.


Yeah Ruth, it’s more like a BTE Power aid, than a Super Power… But, it’s rechargeable which some folks want, and it’s a BTE, which should sound more richer, and fuller than any RIC’s out there, might be a good choice for music lovers? Ultimately, it gives folks choices…BTW, I recently received an eMail from an A.uD, telling me my Phonak Naida Lumity L90 UP’s are on preorder, and once they get the relevant training for the new Naida’s, we are good to go, probably October? I’m looking forward to that :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:


I think all of Phonak Aids wants to be rechargeable, by the looks of it?

I hope they don’t manage to get the UP Aid to be rechargeable as I really don’t want rechargeables ever. (My opinion only.)


I agree Ruth, I wouldn’t thank you or take a new set of rechargeable aids, even if they where for free… A couple of bad experiences was enough for me! So, if I can avoid them, so much the better :grin: 675 batteries are wonderful, between 10 and 14 days runtime, depending on how much streaming I’m doing, 6 months supply is under £20, I buy batteries in bulk, so I never run short… Having said that, some folks love their rechargeable aids, and rightly so, we all have our own personal preferences, variety is the spice of life, and if we where all the same, it would be a boring old world… Cheers Kev :grin:


Wow. You wouldn’t even try a pair of rechargeables even if free?


I had a set @MDB, Marvel 90R RIC’s, with 105db receivers, they had a fundamental fault, they cut out in adversely cold weather, the BMS (Battery Management System) is designed to switch off in subzero temperatures, and they will not switch back on, until placed back into the charger dock…This happened twice to me, (out in the sticks) in challenging circumstances, that could have put me at risk, so I asked my A.uD after explaining the risk factor, even though I was over the trial period, to take them back, and swap them for the replaceable battery version, my A.uD did this without any quibble whatsoever, so I assumed this was a known fault with the Marvel BMS… Range anxiety also played a strong part in my decision to return the rechargeable aids, I suffer from anxiety, so there was no point in adding fuel to the fire… No, I would not thank you for a set of new & free rechargeable aids! Unfortunately for me, at some point in the future (if I live long enough?) they may develop a more powerful rechargeable set of Ultra Power BTE aids, but hopefully these might last a few days? Cheers Kev :wink:

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Let me ditto several others…

Costco is fine for slight to moderate loss. If you have a profound/severe hearing loss, and really want to maximize your ability to hear, you need to work with a good, independent audiologist, who can recommend the best aids for your situation. And not be tied to any specific brands.

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I guess I think most things can be mitigated. Some sort of light ear cover and having a battery powered charger block seems like it would handle this situation. All moot for now in that I don’t see UP BTEs coming in a rechargeable option anytime soon. I can see not wanting to aggravate one’s anxiety, but one can worry about anything. “My batteries might run out. I’ll bring a spare pack. What if it’s a bad pack?” What if my hearing aid breaks…" We all choose what is good enough. I’m no fan of rechargeables, but I do think most issues can be overcome.


Unfortunately, there is only one manufacturer whom is making new UP & SP aids, Phonak… No other hearing aid manufacturers appear to be interested, so there are no other options available, apart from older technology, very few folks would want older technology if they can avoid it… Cheers Kev :wink:

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I’m very lucky to not have severe hearing loss and to be very happy with Costco HAs. I can’t say I fully understand the HA features you have needed. However, were I in your position, didn’t have HA insurance coverage covering a private audiologist, and found money dear, I would consider first going to Costco. Yes they only have three brands, but if HA technology is constantly improving, I would see if those brands now meet my needs. I hope I will always have the Costco option.

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@glucas, I have KS10s and happen to have Profound hearing loss at the higher frequencies and overall have Severe loss. The KS10s work well for me (except for their charging issues) even though they don’t quite hack the highest frequencies. I’m just using the stock domes and not custom domes. My Costco HA suggested that I might want to consider the Rextons; he indicated that they have slightly more power and would handle my high frequency loss. I have stayed with the KS10s until now.

My biggest problem with the KS10s is that they amplify my own voice (which is quite soft and people complain that they can’t hear me). This affects my ability to participate since I never know if I’m speaking loudly enough. I’m going to try the Rextons since they offer a feature to dampen how I hear my own voice.

What are UP and SP aids?

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