Costco Rexton Trax 42 (Product Information)

Corey- what kind of smartphone do you have? I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

I have last years Android powered LG G3 with the most recent Android and LG software updates. It is a Verizon version.

I’m also on Verizon with the latest Android build. So we have different hardware but basically the same software.

So the Trax 42 are $3,100 at Costco? Does that include the device you need for streaming from the phone?


Grouper…where are you at? If in Canada, might be $3100…here in the Eastern US, for me was $2600 for the pair of RIC + ~$240 for the Smart Connect. And that included the Smart Remote accessory.

I think it was $3000 for the AIDS and 275 for the streamer (canada)

So I’m wearing the trax now and I can’t say that I’m impressed with them. What makes it worst that my costco didn’t have enough M receivers in stock so right now I’m using S receivers on my right ear and M receiver on my left ear and I’m feeling some imbalanced of sounds between them.

Per your suggestion in a previous post, I understood that I needed the streaming program because I basically went with all bass and minute treble for streaming. The blue tooth was so quiet I needed the Audi to crank it way up.

Thus I could not go with the default steaming and Bluetooth and needed the dedicated program.

The noise/party program is very useful for me.

I find that I get a beep every time I change an app in my iPhone as well as anytime I enter a text field on safari or whatever. Very annoying.

An obvious problem occurred while my Audi and I were booking my next appt. I went into my iPhone calendar to add the event (text/data fields). While I was in there my aids went mute so I could not hear her while I was trying to enter the event in my iPhone as the streaming took over the aids. Made it difficult for both of us.

I will ill play with it more.

You can turn off keyboard click sounds on your iPhone so they won’t trigger the streaming program. Go to Settings, Sounds, Keyboard clicks.

The smart connect streamer is REALLY bad, you HAVE to have it around your neck otherise it will lose connectivity on the HA

Aren’t they all that way?
I only have experience with 2- the Mini Blue and the Smart Connect. The Smart is many, many times better. It stays connected to both aids almost 100% of the time, which the Mini Blue didn’t do well at all. I had constant dropouts. The Smart is really thin. I’m a skinny guy, I wear tight shirts, and you can never see it on my chest under my shirt. I’m extremely happy with the Smart.

no? I’ve been using the ReSound phone clip and that’s been a charm. You can put the clip a meter away and it will still hold the BT connection on the aids.

Really thinking about returning the Rexton and keeping the KS6.0 at this stage

I never tried taking mine off before, but you are right. It won’t even work in my shirt pocket. I don’t mind that but I can understand why that might be an issue for some people.

I was told that the loop for by the Smart Connect acts as an antenna. It might work elsewhere. Wow, I just tried: too weak on the desk about 2 feet away. It needs to be closer. But it worked well as a hatband! Of course there wuld be other problems with this location!

Yeh its pretty fail

The more I use the Trax 42, the more I hate it.

I don’t have a problem wearing the SC around my neck. It contains the Bluetooth mic so you want it close. It’s unobtrusive.

With the k6 do you use the phone for a mic? That seems awkward and not handsfree but no one complains so it must be ok.

Having said that, I don’t wear mine that much as I’d rather use the BT in my truck. Basically use the SC for adjusting and streaming.

I had my Audi adjust the music to go heavy bass and low treble so it’s much better now.

I also read on a forum here that there is a music app to boost bass. Will try that too.

Getting custom molds done. “Foil” type. Could not google them and they had no samples to see. Supposedly very open.

so why continue?

New to trax 42, fitted yesterday. Got a smart connect and find it very bad for streaming. No bass at all even with the setting for bass at it’s highest. Realistically is there any reasonable way to improve the streaming sound. I will try one of the more occlusive domes and then consider a custom earpiece, if it might work. If not I’ll simply return the smart connect and listen with earbuds and the aids out.

On this thread I get the sense that streaming may not be worth the effort? Regarding the primary reason for buying the thing, my hearing is much improved albeit with some itch in one ear. Yeah I know it’s too early to pass final judgement.

if you are wearing some type of open dome with your numbers you arent getting your money from them… still dont get thiz open dome thing. while streaming stick your fingers in your ears to seal them and get back with us.

I had my bass amped up and the treble dropped. Much better.

The best streaming I have is while doing construction or yard work. I always wear those yellow ear muffs. The streaming was much much better with the muffs on. I’ve been using open domes but am going to get some closed and see how they work.