My 6 months is running out on Rexton Bi-Core. I have been in many times for adjustments with not a lot of success. They are better than the Resound Fortes I had but not worth the money I spent. I will wear the Resounds until the new Philip 9050s come out. I know my hearing loss is profound/severe but I can’t hear a lot better with the Rextons
I hope the Philips 9050s are better.
From the audiogram, it looks like you need Ultra or superpower HA’s. Check this out - Phonak Naida Lumity BTE or older model of Oticon Xceed & Phonak Naida Paradise BTE.
Not sure whether these models are available in Costco.
Something else to consider is frequency lowering technology. You have great low frequency hearing. If you did give this technology a try you would not need UP or SP hearing aids. The small RIC aids would do just fine.
Good luck
Who knows when the 9050 will be in Costco. Since the Rextons improved your hearing, why not give the Rexton Reach a trial? It’s the same hearing aid as the Signia Pure Charge&Gi IX. Reviews in both the Signias and the Reach have been very positive.
Does Costco have the Rexton Reach ? How is it different than my Rexton BiCore C R - Li T DKC ?
Yes, Costco does have the Reach. They recalled it after a week due to a software issue. My HCP at Costco said that she had not experienced any problems in those first few days of fittings that she did, so the issues were not universal.
The reach is built on the same technology as the Bi-Core, but they have added something which Signia calls Real Time Conversation Enhancement. Go to the Signia website and look for the IX platform for an explanation. Rexton also has an explanation on their website. The technology is different but the net benefit is the same as the new feature of the Oticon Intent, which is the ability to process multiple speakers in a conversation simultaneously for improved speech clarity even in background noise.
Thanks for this explanation. I know person at Costco will try and shame me when I return these. Hasn’t been the greatest , makes me feel stupid.
Ugh! I hate to hear that, @user168. I’m wishing better for you.
Costco doesn’t sell the power aids.
How do we ‘know’ there’s actual hearing at/above 4KHz rather than a dead region of the Cochlear?
How would a power aid work with the refinement of lower frequencies.
Can I ask what the solution would be if they were your customer. Just interested.
Probably Bernafon Encanta with the Frequency Compression on a little. 85dB receiver and start the client with a couple of dome options depending on their experience of occlusion/wear. Level according to budget/needs. Basically regard anything above 3.5Khz as ‘written-off’ (unless the tech can pull it down an octave or two).
If the sound is too ‘bold’ even when adjusted (experience and previous prescription are factors) possibly an Intent 2 which is a fraction more subtle in delivery but at a good price/tech point.
If the Phillips aids are similar to the Option aids they will have frequency lowering or compression technology.
Costco usually will not use this technology. When I tried the KS aids years ago I asked the fitter to enable frequency lowering. This fitter agreed and enabled frequency lowering which was perfect for my hearing loss at the time.
My point is to ask for it if it’s not enabled with your hearing loss.
Good luck with this.
Maybe im late to this thread but why not trial the Jabra’s?
And, just fyi, my Costco offered freq shifting without me asking. Warned me some sounds and words may sound a little odd at first. Best wishes
I went in and did the return. I was glad the fitter I used wasn’t around. The return took 15 min and the guy was great. He told me they’d have Rexton Reach in about 10 days-2 weeks.
I’m wearing my 8 year old Resound Fortes for now.
The Philips 9050 are now out at Costco. Benefits include better noise reduction and programming that will determine different types of noise and then tries to minimize those sounds bringing up voices better.