Costco Phonak Brio (Product Information)

Interesting reading!
I have my first appointment for a test at Costco in a couple of weeks so I have no idea which aids they will recommend.
It’s going to be interesting trying out programmed digitals since all I’ve worn up to now were analogs.

Update: Since my last post at end of June I have had about 6 appointments with the audi at Costco. I’m pretty satisfied with the way my Phonax 312’s work, but had trouble with fitting the receivers in the ear.
1st. the domes were not consistant, if I moved them they would be louder or quieter.
Next tried slim tips without the locks. They would work there way out after a short time.
Then tried slim tips with locks, poor fit.
Next another set of slim tips, better fit but still worked out.
Tried new receivers. #2 had #1’s to start, this is just longer wires. Better but still worked out.
Another set of moulds about 3rd or 4th time and wore the domes with the #2 receivers/wires while waiting for new slim tips. Now the domes were the best to date and I could live with them.
New slim tips are pretty good with new #2 wires, kept the old #2 receiver with domes so I could change back if required.
The left always stayed put better than the right so some wear in this back and forth I bent the right wires to match the left and it helped so did some other bending which also helped.

In hind sight I suggest if anyone is getting new HA’s, on receiving have audi fit them without domes so that receivers are pointing dead center up ear canal. The audi was trying for a perfect fit that looked good/hidden and I thank her for that cause I was at the point of just excepting them as they were. It was just that 1 first step that was missed.

Although I am new to HA’s I think the Phonax’s are very good. Work good with phone, no whistle like some people have, no wind noise cause they do so many things in the auto programs. Also small so most people don’t even know I have HA’s
The domes are likely the most hidden, but not as secure as the slim tips with locks and being an outdoor person my biggest worry is losing them.
Couple years back my hunting partner had to use my phone to order a left HA cause he lost one in the bush, next day he asked to use my phone again cause he lost the other one. I suggested he get his ears pierced along top for rings to attach the HA’s. He didn’t think that was funny. lol

After years of trying compensate by turning up the volume, trying to casually cup my ear to hear better, turning my head when listening to someone speak. Constantly saying pardon me, excuse me, say again, what? … None of it was very effective and my family and friends were getting more and more frustrated with me all the time. Some of them, I’m sure would avoid me so they didn’t have to deal with constantly repeating themselves. Can’t say that I blame them, I was just as frustrated. Finally, I went into a local hearing center for testing to find out what I already knew, that my hearing was greatly reduced in one ear and significantly diminished in the other.

They told me it wasn’t a problem to get back most of what I lost with a HA. Then they told me the price, $8400. I was crushed, it was beyond what I could afford. I left thinking that I would just have to continue to struggle while I try to save up some extra $$. Then someone mentioned Costco and that I should check them out.

Expecting similar pricing, I went in half-hearted. The fitter sat me down and went over things then recommended a Phonak Brio. Ok I thought, lay it on me $7600 - $7800? Nope $1200 each. Still not cheap but I could afford one for now at least!

They got it all programmed and setup for me. Now I’m not an emotional guy, most people would probably describe me as cold and unfeeling, but I have to say when it was turned on for the first time, it just about made me cry. I couldn’t believe all sounds I was missing out on for all these years!

I don’t know if the Brio is a good hearing aid or not but I can say this. I can hear things now that I haven’t heard in 20 years. If it wasn’t for Costco’s reduced price, it would probably have been another 5 years before I had. I’ll continue to put away a few dollars here and there until I can get the other one and enjoy what I have for now.

It saddens me to know that there are many other people out there in the same boat. Needing a hearing aid and having to go without because of the over inflated prices. At least one company is brining them down to a more reasonable level.

The Brio is a good hearing aid, but so are the other lower-priced hearing aids that Costco sells for $900/each. For example, the Bernafon Juna 7, ReSound Saxo 6, and Rexton Accord 16. Wearing two hearing aids will allow you to understand speech significantly better than wearing one. You would be much better off buying two of the lower-priced units now versus saving for the second Brio.

I am in agreement with you. Hearing what you have been missing for a long time is very emotional. And it is sad that so many people don’t know they have a hearing problem or are in denial. I was pretty sure that I had only a slight issue, until I heard the difference that HAs make.

but I have to say when it was turned on for the first time, it just about made me cry.

brass. If getting fitted for one aid almost made you cry. Try wearing two. You’ll be bawlling.
Do not wait to long on getting two, the Brio’s are made to work in tandem. A HUGE advantage.