Costco KS10 hands free phone call - ongoing problem

Do you believe, with all the experiments I ran, that this is simply a tuning issue?
How would we explain the crystal clear speech I hear in Youtube videos versus the noisy speech I hear in phone calls with the same exact tuning ?

In your phonak phone app you can switch Bluetooth bandwidths.

Whatever setting bandwidth it is now try switching it to the other.

See if that fixes you up.


The Easyline app used to for sure. @MDB might shed some light on this. He uses Android and has the KS9 aids.
My wife’s KS9 aids can be switched using her iphone Easyline app.

Don’t give up, I think you just missed it on the app.

I have KS10’s and phone calls are clear. Of course my loss probably differs from yours, but you have not shown your audiogram.

Unfortunately, the Target software has no handle on phone calls that I could find. That seems to be hard-wired in the aids. In fact, if you listen to streamed music or speech, the Easy Line app shows that program. However, if you take a phone call, the Easy Line app loses connection with the aids, at least in my case. However, I’m just a lowly DIYer. Maybe someone who has more knowledge could address the issue.

Here is a thread with good information about your KS10 aids that might help you.


@Dusty is very well informed about KS9 and KS10 connectivity.

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Go to “Devices” Then Bluetooth Phone Calls Select Connection. Then choose either Fixed Bandwidth or Adaptive Bandwidth.

If that doesn’t help, I’d start over. Delete app. Unpair aids. Restart phone and find instructions and follow them to the tee.


Thanks for that, appreciate the call out to this thread.

I did experiment with fixed versus enhanced BT bandwidth. No difference, same behaviour.

Ok, thanks for the update.

Have you tried totally removing the hearing aid app, forgetting the aids in your phone, then doing a boot on your phone, then reload the hearing aid app.
In other words start over with a clean slate. This has had to be done with my wife’s iphone after a couple different apple updates. It works for Android too.

Good luck

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I can’t remember anyone else having this problem. Seems like you’ve already tried pretty much everything logical so it’s down to what-the-hell type testing. You could try switching the designated BT aid to the opposite side. I doubt it will make a difference but cheap to try. And if you haven’t already, maybe pair your aids to a phone with a different SIM. Also try skipping the app and LE pairings and just make the single BT pairing alone. I think I’ve done that but can’t be sure due to CRS. If it works it would save time experimenting if nothing else.


Yes, I did all that. Uninstalls and reinstalls, reboot, power cycles, etc. No difference.

Indeed, more ideas. Tried these, too. Paired my wife’s Android with her SIM to my HA. Same symptom = crackling noise on the right side. And swapping the devices left <=> right was predictable: noise followed the right device.

Is it possible that this HA set is defective, tuning can not help and the Sonova lab, while claiming they replaced with a new set actually returned the same defective ones? Clearly we should never malign their professionalism, but as Sherlock Holmes stated [loose quotation here] “when all other possibilities are removed, whatever remains, improbable as it may be, must be the truth”…

Next time you’re at Costco maybe they could pair any set of aids they have kicking around to your phone. If those don’t crackle then it’s Costco’s responsibility to deal with it for sure. Mark your aids inside and out before you go so that if they send them out again you’ll be about to verify replacement.

Appreciate the advice. On one hand, the local Costco gave up and are offering to refund my orginal cost and switch me into Jabra. Sort of nice of them BUT … Jabra (1) does not support hands free phone calls on Android and (2) it is known to disconnect from BT randomly on Android 12 which is my version, and will not change. The HFC is a key feature for me.

As far as marking the HA when sent to the lab, the lab said they replaced the electronics inside, so exterior marking will not help. Also, this is bush league in my mind… if I cannot trust the manufacturer’s lab, I should not buy their product to begin with.

What I think @Dusty is trying to say is have your HCP move primary classic BT responsibility to the other aid, not swap aids ear to ear.

I’m sorry you face this frustration.



Something else worth trying would be to do a master reset.
Then reload the aids with your prescription.

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for me, using bernafone alpha 7 . when connected to a mobile phone, streaming music and other media OK, WhatsApp calls can be heard. the problem is, phone calls don’t make sound, and there is no Volume control (detected as Bluetoot ) but it doesn’t display Bluetoot Volume, only Media Volume normally, I try to connect hendfree bluetooth, with a mobile phone, then Bluetoot Volume appears in the Volume range

Always room for human error. Hell, ever pull a tab off a new battery, pull an old battery out of a hearing aid, and then look at two identical batteries and think, “wait. . . which one?”


Same problem here. My KS10s were factory serviced a few months back and became BT static infected shortly afterwards. I’m on Android 13 with a Pixel7. I have the same static during sudden bursts of noise like a car door slamming. No issues BT streaming either. Thinking it’s the microprocessor and am returning them for exchange.