Costco Kirkland Signature 9.0 (Product Information)

The attached Phonak Remote Control might work but I do not know. Might be worth asking one of the pros or your Costco fitter.

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Why not simply use the HA button to switch from the TV Connector back to automatic? One long press and you’ll be back to automatic.

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Hadn’t realized that! Thanks! How do you switch back to the TV streamer?

Hi Nate
On the streaming app I turned the the mic from -3 to 0. I assume the connector has the same thing. Now I can hear the wife normally. I control the streaming volume on the phone and use the mic mute button if I don’t want to listen to the wife.
You need the target software or the fitter to set that up.

re: How do you switch back to the TV streamer?

You can toggle between your programs using a long push on the top button on either HA. If you don’t have any manual programs, you can simply push once to disable the TV Connector and push again to reconnect to it. If you have any manual programs on your HA, you can move from one to the other using this same process.

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Thanks very much, Thom!
Getting away from the phone app as much as possible is my goal.
I knew to control volume with the hearing aid buttons, but didn’t know I could switch programs that way too with a long press. That helps a lot!

Don, when you say “the streaming app” are you referring to the Program called “TV Connector” or “Bluetooth Streaming” or what?

Thanks for that info Raudrive!
I will try to learn the cost and whether it is available instead from Costco at a price comparable to the bargain they gave us on the TV Connector.

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Bluetooth. I don’t know about the tv device.

Hi Raudrive - I’ve ordered one of these remote controls, so in the next week or so should be able to confirm if it can be linked to the KS9 in Target…here’s hoping…



Are you aware that you can also mute your HAs with a long press on one of the bottom buttons? Your aids must be set up to do this, but I suspect that most fitters do this as a default setting. It can be a very handy feature at times.

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Wow, I sure hope it works. It would be so handy with the KS9 aids.
Thanks for taking the chance.
If it doesn’t I bet there are some Marvel hearing aid owners that would love to have it.
Good luck.

Hi Everyone,
I have my aids since early November, and I am wondering if people have manual programs set up? I am totally on automatic mode, but I notice sometimes we are in a loud place, and I am picking up all the noise, and then suddenly my husband’s voice is picked up, but it takes awhile. I was wondering if there is a known manual program I could have where i could just put it into this mode as soon as we get to this environment?

The top 7 programs are available to select as manual programs.
I suspect the program you were in was “noise” when you heard your husbands voice. Whichever one has speech direct in it.


Was just checking the app for the KS9. It received an update on January 9th. From the little I can tell the only change I see is that it now supports a model KS9 T, which I assume means a telecoil is available. Anybody with more info, I’m sure it would be welcome. @rasmus_braun Do you have any additional info?

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Yes, that’s my thinking :grinning: - eBay will be my friend if I can’t link it with the KS9!

Reading the instructions on the Remote Mic says it must be paired with the aids.
This could be the one pairing the KS9 aids have.

MDB and all. With the update to the app showing “T”

Apologize for the last post. Tried on an old tablet that does crazy things. So, with the “T” in the new app update does it mean hopefully new form factors are coming to the KS9. Hoping for a size 13…before my return runs out March 1??? Not likely I am thinking but maybe this a sign and hoping. I hate changing batteries ever 4 days…

Maybe? I edited my post to ask Rasmus if he knows anything. He generally has pretty good access to info.

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