Costco ITE Hearing Aids

Not happy with my Jabras after two years with them. Reliability, comfort and sound quality are just not what it should be. I am also tired of dealing with wires and glasses. Thank goodness no longer have the nightmare of having to wear a mask.I have done searches here and on Costco and come up empty. Anyone know if Costco offers ITE aids. Thinking of half or full shell with all the wireless features. I recall a display case at my Costco Hearing Center but honestly don’t remember what types were in there. My Costco HA Center is two hours away. Anyone enlightenment appreciated.

I believe they still do. Your best bet is to give your local Costco a call. You might need to leave a message but you should get an accurate answer. If I remember correctly they were notably more expensive than their RIC aids–in the range of $2500-$3000 (USD) a pair…

I am also in Ontario, and I went to a Costco ~2 years ago when I was looking to replace my CIC HAs. I was told by the costco audi that all of the ITC/CIC HAs that they sold did not have bluetooth capability because they were too small (?). I knew that my audi (non costco) could get them with bluetooth, so I took that to mean that Costco only sold older model HAs, not the latest technology. I now know that is not the case, and I should have tried a different costco (there are 3 within a half hour drove of my house). All that to say that as of 2 years ago they did not have ITC with wireless capabilities.

I ended up going back to a private audi and ultimately switched to RIC because they were so much more comfortable and natural sounding anyway :slight_smile:

My closest hearing aid center is 2 Hours drive one way. I did call them and the lady that answered the phone really didn’t seem to know a whole lot about the hearing aids they did carry. It did seem that they carried some in the ear models. From what I could determine Jabra, Phillips, and Rexton are brands that come in ITE models that they carry. I was surprised that Jabra has such a model. I know these models are probably more expensive, but I just wanna get rid of the damn wires. ’

When I looked they had Brio and Rexton, but neither had any bluetooth capability. The Brio were the ones she quoted for me if I wanted CIC and they were $800 more for a set than the Rexton Bicore RIC. (but the rexton bicore had bluetooth, the brio did not). She did not give me the cost of the Rexton itc.

Clarification ITE is notably bigger than CIC and is more likely to have Bluetooth capacity.

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If you want more info before committing to 4 hr RT drive, ask for one of the audiologists or hearing specialists to give you a call.

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If Costco does carry the Phillips half shell and full shell models, then those hearing aids do have all the wireless capabilities as far as I know.

I do not know if this interests you at this point, however, the Jabra Enhance Pro 20 now come in ITE full and half shell, ITC and CIC models. The CIC is not Bluetooth capable.

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I just viewed a YouTube video on Jabra ITE models. Looks the the half and full shell models have wireless capabilities. Also they are rechargeable. As far as features there doesn’t appear to be any difference between the half and full shell models. Does anyone know what the advantage is for either the full shell or half shell? At least I should be able to use the three streamers that I now own.Thanks to RSW for the heads up.

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The Jabra models are rebranded ReSound models, so the information would be the same,
so looking at the Nexia models.

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tenkan, Thank you. Good information

Besides the size, what is the difference between half and full shell? Is there any advantage of one over the other?