Costco Credit Card Extended Warranty Protection

I was told in Costco this week that the policy of extending the hearing aid warranty to 5 years for purchases made with a Costco credit card has been discontinued. Does anyone know any different?

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No, it is true. 22 January.

Costco Citi Visa Benefits



Thanks. Much appreciated.

I wonder if that’s because of the difficulties they had with the KS10? The Paradise p90 equivalent.

I don’t know. I was told that it was a Covid policy. That doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

The extended warranty for 2 extra years was good for anything purchased with the Costco credit cards, regardless of where it was purchased. So, it applied to hearing aids purchased from a private Audi, not just for hearing aids purchased from Costco.

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My understanding is that the change applies only to purchases after January 22nd. The 2 year extended warranty is still good on purchases made before then, including KS9 and KS10. This wasn’t a Costco policy. It was part of the Citicard agreement.


It was a contractual agreement for any electronic device that came from Costco with a standard warranty. Citi did not like the volume of claimants, as HA’s past three years are considered old per market standard, and 4-5 replaceable.


That makes sense. Thanks.