Coselgi Fitting Software? (Widex Budget Brand)

Hi, I’m about to buy the Coselgi Mojo which is almost the same as the Widex 220 but less than a third of the price.

My audi told me Coselgi uses its own fitting software though (not Widex Compass GPS).

Hence my question: does anyone here have or can point me towards how to obtain the Coselgi fitting software?

Any share would be much appreciated :beers:


Why? You have other choices, what about Costco, eBay, because these are locked and you’ll be for ever tied to Boots for programming. Specsavers are the same.

If you want to do DIY, then you need to do your research first before buying, Costco or online is your best bet for lower prices.

Good luck

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What do you mean? I can see the fitting software for Coselgi is available as “c-tune II” on their site, but you’re required to contact them before you can download it. I guess as an end user I may nog get access.

Anyway, are you saying that even if I’ll be able to download the fitting software, the hearing aids will be locked and I won’t be able to use it myself on my Coselgi hearing aids?

The audi I’m talking with doesn’t seem like the type of company that would lock HAs. But I’ll ask now for sure. Are you saying that Coselgi hearing aids are locked by default and by every audi that sells them?

I’ll check out Costco, eBay. Thanks for the tip. Asking here about Coselgi DIY fitting is my research on this front by the way. A quick search on it online didn’t return any info on this topic.

Well your “locked out” from using it then.

No, if you can indeed get a copy of the software you should be able to program them.

Well I don’t know what this is supposed to mean, like are you saying that their such good guys that that wouldn’t mind at all if you asked, could you slip a “free” copy of the software with the HAs I’m thinking of buying from you ; )
But seriously I’ve never heard of the company and I don’t think anyone from on this forum have ether!

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least, these oddball companies that sell rebranded HAs have a history of doing just that.

Yeah I get that, but very unusual brand so can’t see much anywhere.
Definitely check out something from the more popular brands which are easily DIY.

Good luck

That’s not what locked hearing aids mean as I understand it. As I understand it locking a hearing aids means that it can only be fitted and adjusted by a single company, which is usually a bigger franchise. This is not through software access but tru a chip in the device.

Sure if I can’t obtain the software then it’s effectively locked from me, but not from other audis that work with and can fit Coselgi.

According to the audi I was talking with here in the Netherlands Widex will soon be gone from insurance covered hearing aids here and they will be replaced by Coselgi as it’s the budget brand of Widex and so it better fits within those meager insurance coverage amounts.

Anyway, at one third the price as long as any audi working with Coselgi can fit and adjust it, I don’t see it as a huge problem. Hopefully over time I’ll be able to obtain the Coselgi fitting software, but if not it’s not the end of the world.

I just asked them. They don’t lock the hearing aids.


They are locked tho as you can’t program them via the standard Widex software.

Yeah I guess it depends on how you define locked. It would make things a lot easier if they could be programmed with Widex software no doubt.

But if I can obtain the Coselgi fitting software somehow then it won’t matter. That’s the tricky part though since it’s not as easy to find as Widex fitting software.

I understand what it means, but nevertheless your unable to DIY without the correct version of compass, which in your case is called “c-tune II” specifically for those Coselgi rebranded Widex.

As a side note, Widex are a very good brand, I have the Widex Evoke, not as my daily driver but one of my “go to” back ups.

Sure that would be great, DIY path is a great way to better your hearing.

I have the old C-tuneII released in 2019, but I don’t see any Mojo series hearing aids.


Hi, Did you have any luck in finding the right software for Coselgi?

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I also need this program, does anyone have it?

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