Correct power receiver was ordered?

I was just looking at the receipt for my order, and I noticed that both aids say “Gain/Matrix: 108/42”. Those numbers appear to be related to the 75 db receiver. I thought I would be getting the 90 db receiver for the right.
I emailed the hearing instrument specialist and he said “that is the prescription, to address your hearing loss, the manufacturer will have a copy of your audiogram, if they deem it necessary to change the prescription they will contact me.” Does this sound okay, or should I be concerned here? I’m still confused because it seems that he didn’t order the 90 db for the right, and he didn’t explain why.

You’ll get different answers from different people but my take is that you’ll be fine with the 75 db receiver, even for the right. I doubt any receiver, no matter how audible is going to allow you to hear the 6k and 8k frequencies on the right ear. For comparison, I have 85 db receivers with my loss and do fine (but I only “hear” the higher frequencies with frequency lowering, not by getting more gain.

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Thank you MDB, I feel greatly reassured!!

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