Control hearing aids by wiggling ear?

Are there any aids that can toggle between programs by ear movement? (1)
That could be more convenient than pushing a button on the aid, or even using a smartwatch. It seems very intuitive – move your ear to change what you hear. When I asked ChatGPT, it noted that such a UI would be prone to false operation, e.g. when adjusting eyeglasses or donning a hat. But if that happened, it would be easy to give another wiggle to set it back to the desired program.

(Star Trek humour alert). Are there any Vulcan audiologists in this forum? Mr Spock would have loved this kind of HA control.

Nice idea. Everybody may or may not able to do it.

I can do it easily, just wiggling your eye up, your ears will follow the movement.

Or jaw (but it would look silly).

I can do it too - it’s my party move to alternate ear movement and make my scalp shift. lol After Cochlear Implant surgery recently, I panicked because I could not longer wiggle my ear, but with time it has mostly returned. Other family members cannot.

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