Consultation for new hearing aid to test

Hi, I need a super power hearing aid. Currently trying the Naida Paradise. I’m attaching here my audiogram and would appreciate advise on which other hearing aids to try prior to selecting. Thanks.


Welcome to the forum @user999 :smile: unfortunately there aren’t any BTE Super Power or Ultra Power aids, new to the market at present, well none that I have heard about? Phonak usually have a new iteration of Naida UP/SP, every 2 years or so, the latest Naida Paradise came out around January 2021, I believe the Oticon Xceed is approximately 5 years old, Xceed & Naida are the usual weapons of choice for those of us with a profound loss… I would hold off, and see what’s available in the near future, I certainly wouldn’t be buying older technology… Naida Paradise are still excellent aids, and most probably, the best that’s available at present? Cheers Kev :wink:


@kevels55 , you are absolutely right. I am trialing Xceed 1 UP and was able to hear better than More1 in noisy environment. Will be putting a pair of molds in the near future. Hopefully a new generation of BTE UP be available in 2 -3 years time.Cheers Dan :wink:


Thank you Dan, I am hoping it’s more imminent than that! We shall see? I did enquire via a Phonak A.uD that I am fairly friendly with, they are senior management, but there doesn’t appear to be any rumours for a new Naida, as yet? But, I can relay one encouraging titbit, Phonak where looking for folks last week, in the severe/profound threshold, and asked me to participate, I am on there list of people willing to help with their research… Unfortunately, I am too busy at present, so I am unable to enlighten you further, but perhaps something is on the go… Hopefully? Cheers Kev :wink:


Any chance of going on the list Kev?

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I’m on the list for research. I’ve done a lot for Phonak already, Altho I’ve not heard about this one.



If I recall correctly @michael1, I did it through the app? Last year sometime… Yeah, Phonak contacted me (via email) about 2 weeks ago @Zebras, saying my hearing loss fitted their criteria for some research, gave me a list to compile dates and times when I was available, filled it in, they replied saying these where acceptable, and how much I would be paid for each zoom meeting… TBH, I am not interested in their money, the research was my interest, but as it turned out, I had other things on, so I declined their offer… I don’t suppose I will be asked again, but such is life… Cheers Kev :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks Kev,I’ve found it in the app.

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