Connexx hearing aid default to streaming enabled

Hi all.
I purchased and fitted a connex media streamer for my mother and then used the MyRemote App
To enable streaming and set the streaming volume. My mother was very pleased that she could hear the TV much better cus the streaming device.

My issue is that when we did a test of charging the HA’s overnight, when my mum put them back into her ears again the streaming was set back to not enabled. If I open the app again then streaming worked again.

So actually to my question :slight_smile:

It’s it possible with the covered connex 9 app+ programmer to have streaming enabled by default when the HA start up.

Worse case is we have to add this to my mum’s morning routine and also train the carers if my mum forgets how to do this. Ideally it’s possible to configure this in the default program.

Thanks in advance

Good question, I’d need to have a look at this as I’ve never considered this before.

Ok so looking in Connexx I see no way of doing this with streaming devices as such, you can copy program’s into the Start up program (universal) like say music or TV, but this is for programs for use with the microphones, I don’t see a way to incorporate the streaming settings for the streamline tv into universal start up program, but there’s still an easy way to do this with the rocker switch, so you put the streamline tv on the medium press to automatically start streaming, I don’t know what models you have but I did this with Pure C&G AX as you stated you use the charger.

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This is super helpful , thank you

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One other question I guess with the rocker it works like a toggle on/off
so a medium press would switch between streaming on/off

It’s a shame they don’t expose this functionality in the user facing app MyRemote

Thanks again for your help :+1:

Again another good question, I don’t know if that’s how it works, but I think it would make sense for it to, but for sure just by changing the program will do the same thing, you could add just one program so there’s no confusion and easy to switch between the two (say Universal and “stream TV” )

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You’ve been super helpful.

I’ve been on a call with the sales tech at the shop (UK Specsavers is the supplier) and he’s confirmed he can setup the rocker switch as you suggested .
He had not thought of that before so that might help others out too in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

Will try the changes next week and update here if all goes well , so others will know this is a simple workaround without needing to control via the app.

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OK Folks so the HA have been updated on the rocker switch to short press = TV streaming
and can confirm this is an easy way to activate/deactivate the TV streaming
(Bluetooth also has to be enabled in the program for this to work)

You can also still activate/deactivate in the app but this is far easier for my mother to manage and handle.

Thanks to @tenkan for the Idea :slight_smile: