Connexx 9 software, where to get

I would be very grateful for getting a link for Connexx software!
Many thanks!!!

Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects.

Any news? What is the latest version of the Audio Service Connexx software?

recently I have been diagnosed with unilateral hearing loss. I have Signia Pure Ch&Go 7AX + CROS. I would like to adjust some settings. I will be really grateful for getting a link for Connexx v9 software.

It’s great to see @pvc that you’re helping so many people.

Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.

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Hi I am looking for a signia connexx Version 9 can someone please provide the link. Thanks

From a DIY School PDF file named (Choose a Hearing Aid Programming Device);
Tip: Click image to enlarge;

Can anyone help me with a link for the Connexx 9 software?

Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.

Hi there,
I’m new to Hearings aids (1 month).
My signia Pure C&G 7AX are in 20.15.540.2 firmware.
The audio signal processing is quite astonishing and i finally can live with treble again !!!


The sound seems in Mono during streaming, and the bluetooth connection is quite unstable during calls…
A newer firmware seems to have been published, and should correct or lower the problems…

After reading this awesome Topic, i think i should update the firmware by myself instead of bothering the Doc…

So, could anyone help me with a link for the Connexx 9 software?

Noalink Wireless in cart :wink:

Sincerly yours,

Hi there, welcome to the forum, ok so this sounds like a programming issue, not firmware as such, but you’ll be able to check these settings in Connexx software under fine tuning- Audio Streaming.
good you got the Noahlink wireless on the way as well.

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Thank You tenkan for such a quick reply !!
I’ll give an eye on this part asap !

And thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:


Thank you to Tenkan & Pvc :slight_smile:

Would you send me the link for connex download, please.
Thank you

Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects.
What model of HAs have you got.

I would appreciate it if someone could DM/PM me the latest Connexx software. I just switched to a new laptop and lost the original installer. Thanks a lot in advance!

I’m new to hearings aids and suffer from Meniere’s disease hearing loss. My audiologist has has struggled with tuning my signia Pure C&G 7AX. I’m interested in trying to tune the hearing aids myself after reading all some of the guides and info on this site. I’ve ordered a noahlink but I cant seem to find were to buy the Connexx software. Can anyone help me locate link for this software?

Don’t pay for free fitting software!
I see you already have Noahlink Wireless
Suggested reading for others; → DIY School (Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Signia.pdf)
Click any PVC Avatar to find DIY School

Sure great you’ve got your Noahlink wireless on the way, check out the user guides as well, great videos to start.

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Thanks all, I’m doing a lot of reading. Given all the features of my aids I really feel the audiologist could have done a much better job at tuning them.