Connexx 9 software, where to get

Is there a link for latest connexx fitting software ?

I want to program Signia AX aids
I have a Noahlink wireless

Hi there, sure there is, check out the user guides as well, very handy for setting up the first fit.


Does connexx programming software support the Signia Stretta using Wireless programming using the NOAHLINK Wireless programmer.

I search the connexx software help page , but this model is not listed.
At the moment I have not actually tried connecting the stretta by wireless through the noahlink wireless yet.
Maybe there are models that are not listed/hidden, but the software will detect with connect to actual aids.

That’s a NHS model, most NHS are locked out, but all that’s needed is the code, hopefully someone has this for you.

" gordon.ewartdean


Mar 21

Success !
Connexx/SiFit works fine .No code seems to be needed .These NHS hearing aids are not locked.
Thank you very much"

I found this from a different thread, seems the stretta is not locked, and connexx software should find it.
I am getting the batteries size 13 in a few days, than I will try the actual aids to connect wireless with the connexx programming software through NOAHLINK Wireless…
will update here with results.

Seriously! I’d forgotten about that post, Wow the very first HAs from the NHS without a code, with luck evey one handed out by them now and in the future should be like this( never understood why they needed to do this to begin with!) I hope you enjoy them, as you haven’t actually programmed them yet I’m looking forward to your update.

I just tried the Stretta M with Noahlink Wireless and Connexx program and have successfully configure and program the pair.

the Stretta M are have manufacture date of 2023/3/05.
On the box, there is no indication of NHS.

During the configuration, there is a section where you select the preference like TV, Outdoor etc, and there is selection of matching from 7Nx, 5NX etc and base on selection it indicates which in % matches selections.

So, its like it will set the aid up accordingly the Nx family , probably thr motion.

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That’s fantastic news, so the fun begins with getting your programming just the way you like them to sound.

Just tried the signia android app,which found the aids shows the program modes available.
This will be use as a back-up to mine primary rechargable aids.

This clearly looks like a variant of the Motion 13 NX for UK NHS.
I’m using with thin tubes as mine mild hearing loss doe not need the higher output of earhooks.
Thus making it feel more like wearing mine primary RIC style aids.

Hello, what is the newes version of Audio Service Connexx and where to get? Actually I do have Connexx 9.2.7 with AudiFit 9.2.6 but getting no updates wiht update-manager. Thank you.

You shouldn’t have any problems updating, if there’s no updates then that means there isn’t any available, in most cases updates are countries specific as well, so not all countries get an update at the same time.

What is the reason for needing this “update”?

Confirm in Connexx assign the Stretta ass the Motion 13 5NX.
This model has streaming from Iphone, but for Android require the use of the Signia streaming accessory.

I’ve got Rexton BiCore and I want to program them mysel
I’ve ordered a Noahlink wireless is there a way to get the Connexx software please?

Welcome to the forum, sure you’ll need the Rexton flavoured version of Connexx.

You should read up on the Connexx user guides as well, quite helpful for setting up the first fit.

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can anyone help me get connexx 9 with sifit.

thank you very much.

Hi @madoon. Please check your private messages.