Connexx 9 software download

Hi again, ok no problem for the Noahlink wireless programming device, the AX are nice HAs.

Hi, just wondering if someone could point me in the direction of version 9 too please? Thanks in advance

Hi there, sure it’s available, but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for your DIY projects, which HAs are you using at the moment?
Do read the user guides as well very handy for setting up the first time.

ok, but where can I get the software?

Hi there, it’s available just be sure you have the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.

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hi!! could i have the download link for connexx 9 please?
i’ve a siemens signia cellion HAs & a hipro with the appropriate cables.
thank you!

oops sorry! it’s a minipro that i have

Hi there, sure it’s available, maybe you need the older version plus is it wireless? as you could use the ConnexxLink connexxAir for primax.

I decided on a mini pro over a connexxlink in case my family members use other brands of HAs!

Sure, I still have mine as well, but haven’t used it for many years, everything is moving to Noahlink wireless programming now anyway so a lot of latest models won’t be able to use HiPro so I guess eventually it will be obsolete.

Starting out with the Signia Pure C&G T 7IX. Interested in being able to do the programming that otherwise have to do with the audiologist. It looks like I need a hardware device and the Connexx software. There seems to be reference above to a FAQ for doing this but I didn’t see a link… Can someone give me a place to start?

Could you please give me the link for the Connexx 9.3 version. thank you. I have the 8.0 and it will not update Glenda

Welcome to the forum, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless for any DIY projects.

where do I get the link? thanks

Your PM. Anything else just ask or post a new topic in DIY forum.

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Dould you please send me the link for connexx 9 also. Thanks in advance Dennis

Hi there, sure,it’s great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, but do take the time to read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, and don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device.

I have Siemens Pure Binax hearing aids and a Noahlink wireless programming device. Could you please tell me if that will work and if so what program I need. I am completely new to this and totally lost . I would appreciate any help. Thanks Dennis.

Hi there, unfortunately the Noahlink won’t work on those older models, You’d need NX platform onwards for that , Binax would be connexxAir wireless programming device, or HiPro and cables with
Connexx software.

Hi @firenzel . Can you please send me the link of Connexx 9.9. I will be thankful.
Many thanks in advance.