Connecting Signia IX to TV and Laptop

Just got my new TruHearing 7 Advanced (equivolent to and uses Signia 5IX technology) HA’s today and they wont connect vis Bluetooth to my Samsung Q60 TV or my Win10 laptop. My old Costco KS10’s (equal to Phonak Paradise) connected to both TV and Win10 laptop without any additional equipment.

Win10 sees them under “Other Devices” but not under audio and will not work. Someone mentioned that theres a dongle for Win10 but didn’t give a product name or number. My TV just doesn’t recognize them.

Another post from a couple of years ago states “Signia uses Low Energy Bluetooth or MFi Bluetooth.” Is this still the same?

I can get an adapter for the TV for $250 which is ridiculous when some other vendors have “full” bluetooth support.

If I can’t, at a minmum, get these to work on my laptop its a dealbreaker and I am going to return them. I know the main issue is proper hearing but if I can get HA’s with great hearing and great Bluetooth that would be perfect.

If Phonak can get this to work why would’nt others HA vendors?

What other hearing aids work with TV’s and Windows? I don’t think Costco carries Phonak since the issues they were having with the KS10’s/

Help please. Anyone have any experience/advice?


Phonak, Unitron and maybe other brands in that family are the only ones that uses ordinary bluetooth.
The othes use a different Bluetooth version.
Signia uses MFI.
Made for iPhone, and probably ASHA for Android.
There is BLE I think it has that also.
If you do a search you will find multiple threads on this subject.
Others smarter than me should chime in.

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ebay often has the connecting devices at low prices.

What device would I need for my Windows laptop?

So this is what bluetooth streaming is possible with IX

I was waiting for you to chime in. :grinning:

“Firmware update required”

when was this issued, if you don’t mind my asking. I have an older Apple phone–apple seven, if I remember correctly. Lately I’ve been having issues with my connectivity to the app, but not the phone. I simply turn the phone off and go through the process of signing in and things are fine. Until the next day, or hour, when I have to do it all over again. It’s stupid and annoying.

Maybe I need a firmware update? Or maybe the last one made things worse, since I have an older Iphone?

edit: I see Apple no longer supports older versions of their phones, or anyway these phones aren/t compatible with newer technology.

Actually I believe the update manly for LE Audio and some other small things, bluetooth stability is possibly another I can’t remember exactly all of what it was for, there was a few. Good point on the older models from apple.