ConnectClip struggling with issues. I have OPN1’s with iPhone 7+. Latest iOS 11.2.5. I keep having issues with phone calls from ConnectClip. About 1/2 the time, people cannot understand me… Voice quality is inaudible (i can hear them perfectly fine). I have tried may times to reset/re-pair bluetooth. I have even tried un-installing the OPN app, re-pair the OPNs but nothing is helping. If i have the CC off, phone calls direct to iPhone w/ MFI are fine.
Audio streaming to CC is fine… Sounds great. Just phone calls from CC are not working 100%
Its not a loudness issue… the people on the other end hears crackles, inaudible broken up voice. Im thinking this is a bug with ConnectClip 1.0 f/w and iOS 11.2.5.
I have NO issues with iPhone cables direct to OPN without use of CC
Question; have you used CC as a remote mic to verify that you can hear another person talking into the CC-mic and hearing the CC-mic without any crackling?
btw> in your OP I think you mean (i can hear them perfectly fine).
yes sir your correct. I edited my OP post… but additionally I can add a notable observation. If i “forget this device” on the iPhone the OPN pairing under General>Accessibility>MFi Hearing Aids… And ONLY have the CC paired, the CC works great. It seams to have an issue with having both CC paired AND OPNs MFi paired. Then i get inaudible calls on the CC. Same observation if I remove the CC pairing, then OPN MFi calls work great. There is some issue having both paired.
Some like to use MFI because they can use the iPhone volume sliders to raise/lower their Opn hearing aid microphones in order to concentrate more on the phone call or to also hear the people next to them. Here’s a Link.
Usually if your OPNs are connected to your iPhone and you have Bluetooth on but no other devices are connected to the iPhone then the streaming from the iPhone gets routed automatically to the OPNs. If you connect another Bluetooth device (like an external speaker) to your iPhone then this device takes precedence over the OPN connection and the iPhone streaming gets routed to this BT device.
You can control this routing in the MFI Hearing Devices menu (Audio Routing). You can have it route automatically, which would cause the above to happen. If you select Always Hearing Devices then I believe the OPN will always be heard over the connect BT device. If you select Never Hearing Devices then the order will be the connected BT device first, or else if nothing is connected via BT then it will go to the iPhone speaker.
And the above control for Auto Routing is for both Call Audio and Media Audio.
The reason I’m saying the above is because instead of having to Forget the OPN in order to use the CC, or Forget the CC to use the OPN, maybe manage the Audio Routing instead. For Call Audio, select Never Hearing Devices to see if you can eliminate contention between the CC and the OPN, in case there’s contention in Automatic (even though there shouldn’t be any) that is cross-linking the CC mic against the iPhone mic, causing the voice quality). I assume that you prefer to use the CC for Call Audio over the MFI direct streaming so that you’ll have hands-free calling?
And for Media Audio, I assume you’d want to have Always Hearing Devices so you’ll get direct streaming from the iPhone and not have the CC be the third wheel between the iPhone Media Audio and the OPN. Unless you want to hear from another BT device like a loudspeaker, in which case Automatic will give the connect BT loudspeaker priority over your OPN.
I’m just making a suggestion here but I don’t really know whether it will solve the problem or not because I don’t have a CC so I never tried it. It just seems worth trying and if it works, it’s much easier to manage than to keep having to forget and re-paring devices all the times.
Thank you Volusiano for your response. I tried all of the different combinations with audio routing. At actually would work best if i left it on “automatic”… In that case it would always select the CC (if on) and route to it. But as i stated, it would only be usable maybe 1/2 the time. If i put it on “never hearing aids” then the audio would route to iPhone (it would ignore both OPNs via MFi and the CC)… If i select “always hearing aids” then the audio would always be OPN, it would ignore the CC.
But i agree with your statement that it is contention in the BT routing and which microphone to select. Hence the very poor distorted sound.
I was hoping the CC would at least function similar to my old Streamer Pro, that IF it were on, then it would be primary device. And if not default back to the OPNs. Giving me hands free answering and not being required to hold the phone.
Pairing on BT seems to be on the dumb side. When it originated, smart switching wasn’t thought necessary. So, it became a user selected method. It would be hard for BT to select the one you wished to use at a particular moment.
That’s not the best explanation but I don’t know if there is a good one.
Apple makes it so you have only one choice available. So you need to repair to one or the other. You can complain to Apple about making it user switchable with 2 defined devices. They are selling MFi as the preferred solution and haven’t cared to this point.
It seems like the problem is that iPhone for some reason treats the CC as a BT hearing aid device instead of as a simple BT headset. That’s why Never Hearing Aids would ignore the CC as well and sends to the iPhone speaker.
But for Always Hearing Aids, Apple recognizes the OPN as the more legit hearing aids because it’s the one chosen in the MFI set up.
For Automatic, from the stand point of you listening to the caller, you might have assumed that Apple always pick the CC, but there’s no way you can tell for sure, can you? That’s because whether it’s streaming from the iPhone or streaming from the CC, it sounds good all the same to you, no?
From the stand point of you talking to the caller, you wouldn’t know whether Apple uses the CC’s mic or the iPhone mic either, unless you pick one mic and put the other mic very far away, and the caller tells you if it sounds good or bad. If bad, then you swap the mics’ places to see if it improves or not. That’s really when you know for sure which device is being selected.
I know the CC is being selected for two reasons… First, when i place a call, the list of BT devices briefly pops up, i can see the OPNs list, as well as the CC… It will switch to the CC then the list will disappear. Secondly, the LED on the CC changes from blue to green, indicating active call. I feel the issues is in the switching of sources somehow the phone mic and CC mic are both selected and they step all over each other and its not usable.
I seriously doubt whether this can be solved.
Bluetooth LE is easy to be interfered when two devices connected to one device and transmitting data at the same time.
When I stream music from iPhone to my Opn, a Bluetooth LE keyboard connected to iPhone would break the music.
When I connect my Connectclip to my computer and stream music, it would make the Bluetooth keyboard repeat keys!
My guess is that because iPhone has only one antenna for Bluetooth, Opn would interfere with CC.
I didn’t pair my CC with my iPhone. Maybe I will try that days later. For now, iPhone support to Opn seems to be more important. Most people don’t mind me calling them with iPhone in my pocket. They said they can still hear me clearly.
It is possible that Apple will release an iOS update to solve this by change their algorithm to avoid interference. When I got my Opn, I couldn’t use it to make phone calls at all! Unlike CC, at that time people can hear me but I can only hear very jittered sound. It is iPhone’s LTE data transmission (happen to be on the same antenna with Bluetooth) interfere with Opn’s Bluetooth streaming.
Besides, for my experience, using 2.4GHz WiFi along with iPhone streaming to Opn is simply impossible. The network will never connect. Luckily my router support 5GHz WiFi and I don’t have this issue when I am home. When I use public WiFi, this can be a problem.
I changed my mind.
It is highly likely to be Apple’s problem. It is not interference between CC and Opn, it is interference between CC and iPhone’s LTE. Apple has released the update to fix Opn problem so that LTE won’t use same band as Opn. It seems that they forget to add CC to their compatible devices list again!
Try making VoIP calls or video chatting with 5GHz WiFi connection. If you don’t have the problem, then that is definitely Apple’s old interference problem!
iPhone used to have interference between LTE and Bluetooth on BMW cars, interference between LTE and Opn. Now they have problem with LTE and CC? No surprise. Complain to Apple and urge them to release an update to fix it.
Thanks for the insight !!! This makes total sense. Its just frustrating waiting 12+ months for the CC to come out, and it doesnt really work with iOS 11.2.5.
There is no telling if Apple will fix in 11.3? 12? The interference issue might take months to fix…
I got my opn in August 2016, waited for one and a half year to get CC. CC advertisement at that time doesn’t look like what CC looks like now!
I waited to September to get iOS updates fixed iPhone SE calling problem. That is roughly 5 months from opn’s launching.
Video call on 5G Hz WiFi would be a solid test about whether the interference is oticon’s problem or Apple’s problem if you can make sure there is no other active Bluetooth devices. Since 5G Hz WiFi can’t interfere with 2.4GHz Bluetooth. If your CC even can’t work in that situation, then it is Oticon’s problem. However, I didn’t do the test and think it would be more likely to be Apple’s problem considering their history.
I will do a test with 5G Hz WiFi calling on computer later today.
Quickest and most efficient way that I was testing, was calling this loop back number (1 (925) 259-0082) that way you can hear the quality of your transmitted voice. It works very well and I won’t annoy your friends by having them call you to test and retest.
Thanks for sharing your insights with the CC and iPhone together. I have an iPhone and I will be doing more tests to gauge the quality of these audio streams, contrast them against iPhone’s Live Listen versus CC’s remote microphone feature, and the battery life. I am also curious to see how the CC behaves with contention between mFI and CC if the CC is connected to the iPhone rather than my Samsung Galaxy phone.
I also saved the loop back number. Definitely useful in testing voice calls and seeing how my own voice sounds!