Connectclip discontinued?

Doesn’t happen at all on my iPhone. And I’ve updated to the latest iOS 18.1.

Perhaps God kissed you.

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I don’t think that was the connect clip that lowers the volume, I have used the connect clip for almost 6 years and never had that issue. And I have had it connected to numerous different devices. From tablet ls, kindles, Fire devices, laptops, etc. I have had iPhones and ipads that will lower volume in the name of preventing to loud os sound until i dusabled that feature. I now use android and made sure to dissble the sound protection. I think is some kind of government rules.

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@Lostdeaf - If that happened, I wouldn’t have any rebooting issues either, so I highly doubt that.

@cvkemp - I agree. I have my connectclip connected to my Windows 11 PC, my Amazon FireStick, and my iPhone. Have never had a single instance of volume lowering.

Of course me, my friend, and Ilone from linked topic are liars. We have nothing better to do than make up stories about the lowering volume by itself Connectclip. :man_facepalming:t2:

I am just say my facts, not questioning your experiences. If you want to be on this site you cannot get offended when people tell their own experiences which is different than yours.

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It will have to USB-C I wonder if they will release a new one , when the aura cast is released
with the intents.

@Lostdeaf - I am not discounting your experiences at all. They are perplexing. Maybe the additional technical information can help? Just offering my own experiences is all.