Compatibility ComPilot with Phonak Belong series

My brother has got a ComPilot ( ). This gadget is not compatible with my Phonak Bolero B90’s.

Does anyone know whether there is a way to change this? Maybe with a firmware upgrade or with some special tweaks in Phonak Target?

Oddly enough, comparing the FCC pages for the ComPilot11 and ComPilot 2 the dates at original equipment are 2015 for the ComPilot11 and 2014 for the ComPilot2

No you won’t be able to use this model on them, you need to get the Compilot ll model.

Agree with tenkan, my belong and venture aids use the Compilot2.

The pictured above Compilot links with my Naida V90 and Audeo B90 aids.
It is done in the Target software, not pairing.

Not sure, but I think you have the first Compilot for the Quest family.
Zebras has this Compilot, maybe she will chime in on this.

My Compilot 2 works with my Phonak Bolero SP 70. But being an original IT dummy I have no clue as to what series the Compilot 2 is.

The ComPilot I is for CORE, SPICE and QUEST series of aids.

The ComPilot II is for VENTURE and BELONG series of aids.


Has your Audio person set it up? The compilot 2 should be fine then. I’ve just bought a compilot air 2. The Bluetooth part of it worked with my Venture HAs but it had to be professionally programmed to be used as a remote control.