com dex compatibility with bluetooth microphones

I recently acquired a Com Dex for use with my Unique 440 hearing aids. I have been impressed by the quality of the sound I get listening to podcasts at the gym using my cellphone and the Com Dex.
I was hoping to perhaps purchase the Remote Mic which originally was a device that would connect up to the Com Dex. But now I see that it has been discontinued and searcing online for a seller has been fruitless.
My question is whether if I purchased a bluetooth microphone would it be able to pair with the com dex and fulfill the role the Remote Mic would have?
Thanks for any help in this area.

there are many microphones you can use with Com dex;

I would get a Roger device, like the roger select :

I am not sure if this is bluetooth ??|enc%3AAQAHAAABMIep8YrnpoI5Ip1Fr26ya5Zdwg2V78Yl01uYLsdPZcFTvxKxDts2M2LiSIpUM3yyPCg4I%252FI%252F%252BBr%252B3lbC%252BxYqInYGBmzIxc4EMw3YF0EDxTKymnhGm%252Byb0dKEXWOFUnPRbq6BxgR2vWh%252BG4%252BHc2DJMtLrTBNRZkCv7CKAil%252FVFLAiVNKTuCP8ERXyuFd4GVfoI2MzEsJsjB3UpukV83BVV8LKhBpRuRhP1YIADYP67mHTjPAs275KBzKDyv5U15y8NJhuVqHr5RwQoMUkMfwXOgoqpR8Joec7GVJR1It2CEd3F8Ojy9IkuFruaYPZ%252FFeC7tHcAhd6HtFUBDDshWDADGPEU%252B6MkzNaaucyy2JY2%252FONF4MP9MKnfTB9S283CaEmj3a8W9tZP4LnO1XS5GPBi2Q%253D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675

Has anyone tried using a microphone (per @GrayGhost attachment) connect to iPhone via the lightning connector and transmit the sound/voice from the phone to the HA’s. iPhone has a “Listen Live” in the phone, when activated, the sound transmitted is soft.

Only the proprietary remote microphone sound better but expensive.