CI and hearing aid

since several months i lost almost completely my hearing on left side. Since around 10 years i am using hearing. Now recommendation is to go CI. i am sooo afraid … but if the doctor will say to do i will do it. Can anyone recommend what CI with what hearing aid works better ? Many thanks in afvance !

Ask for a CI evaluation. There you will get many answers about your hearing and CI in general.
All three brands are good. Finding the surgeon and CI audiologist is important. They will tell you more about the brands. Support is important with CI. So find which brand is best supported where you live.
Good luck


I do absolutely agree with @Raudrive. Good support from the manufacturer is imperative for you. I’m guessing you are in Germany somewhere, going by your flag.

All 3 companies should be well supported in Germany unless you’re in a rural area.
Cochlear pair with Resound.
Med El pair with any aid
Advanced Bionics pair with Phonak
Both Cochlear and AB stream directly and Med El you need an intermediary device to stream.

You need to think about your hearing in your workplace. Are you on the phone a lot? Think about your family situation and your hearing. Speak to your surgeon let him/her guide you in your choice.
You need to find a good CI Audiologist to help you, over an initial 12 month period with very frequent visits for mappings.
But before any of this can happen you need to have a CI evaluation.
Good luck on you hearing journey.


Thank you ! This is what i was looking for !
Yes, now comes the CI evaluation, and other tones of informations that i hope i will understand and choose the best for me.

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What means " CI evaluation" ? i am allowed to get have a trial period before decision what i would like to have ?

Christian, I was in your situation 5 months ago when I discovered that my left hear’s hearing had fallen off a cliff. So I became a candidate in my left ear. After my CI evaluation with my Audi, it turns out my right ear qualified as well, but still had a decent amount of hearing left. So I researched for months and talked to over 30 people with CI’s, met with reps from the CI manufacturers and then asked my surgeon if my particular loss would point me towards a particular CI. She said no so I am going with Advanced Bionics since I have had Phonak hearing aids for 10 years and have all of the Phonak mics. Everyone I talked to loved their CI whether it was AB or Cochlear (I didn’t find many people with Med El) so I really couldn’t find a difference between the 2 and went with AB. My surgery is 2 weeks from today.



In my country a CI evaluation is a 2 hour assessment of your current hearing loss. To evaluate if you are a suitable recipient for a CI. This can be organized by an audiologist or your ENT specialist.