I recently attempted to change wax filters in both my Mom’s Marvel 30s and my KS9s. They both use the CeruShield Disk wax filters. I had a heck of a time with my Mom’s. I couldn’t get it to remove the old wax filter and then I had a hard time getting it grab a new one. I finally succeeeded. Today with my KS9s I could not get it to remove the old wax filter. There is a little protrusion in the wax filter that was off center. I gave up and went to Costco. They ended up replacing receivers. I asked for advice and they said it’s just bad design. I think I’ll likely let Costco change my wax filters from now on! Anybody have any guidance on how to change wax filters without getting one stuck. Note: This is not any issue with the Disk being difficult to turn. That issue seems resolved from my perspective.
Hi MDB, Phonak have a new type of wax filters out now called Cerustop which appear to be a far better design, although I have never changed one as yet on my Paradise aids… I do not recall ever having a problem with my Marvels though, I did get instructions on removing and replacing the wax guards on my RIC custom hard shell molds, but this is an entirely different process as I am assuming you are using soft domes? Cheers
I’m using Silicone Molds. Cerustop (with the two ended stick?) is actually an older, but quite effective! Yes, I preferred that approach considerably. (My Mom’s old Phonak B50s used it)
Interesting MDB, tis not like Phonak to revert back, must be indeed a design fault… Mind you, the Marvels were my first RIC’s so I would’ent have seen the Cerustop before. Cheers Kev
The Cerusheild are the newer version, they are meant to be better, but I think the design is awful.
The usability is way worse than the Cerustops they replaced, but I’m guessing they were out of patent and you can’t keep over charging for cheap plastic accessories that can be made by anyone.
Straight in, straight out. No angles. Make sure you have the new disk that turns more easily, it also has slightly deeper holes to help line things up. If the old filter is akilter, you can use a needle to dig it out, and then the new one goes in okay.
It sucks. Custom tips can have the old cerustop system instead.
I had the same thing the other day with my ks9s. The little piece in the middle was not centered. Used the tool that came with the ks8s to push it back to the center. Then it worked fine. Saved driving 200 miles.
Yep. Works for me, too. (I pushed in a new filter, while the old one was still in it. So I had to dig it out.)
If I use a needle to dig out the wax disk, will I injure the receiver? This is frustrating. Phonak support was not helpful.
You shouldn’t injure the receiver. Once you get the needle into the wax disk, it should be pretty easy to pop out, or one can take it to who you bought it from if that’s convenient.
I have had my KS10’s for nearly two years now and replaced the Cerustop wax shields a few times just out of curiosity…never notice any difference hearing.
I stopped by COSTCO in Superior, CO today to get my second set of wax shields. The ladies I have dealt with in the past were gone and two guys were manning the booth. I told one of them I never noticed any difference after changing the shield. He said something really odd. “Don’t change them unless the aid stops working completely.”
Frankly, I don’t think he has any idea what he is talking about.
I’ve never used Wax Guards but I’ve noticed I don’t have an issue with wax.
Never had wax come out of my ears on my ear moulds etc.
Do you produce much wax?
Not really, none to speak of.
That’ll be why your Wax Guards last a long time then……
I’m setting up new receivers in a used pair of Marvels that I recently purchased b/c the ones that came with the Marvels weren’t what I needed. I have a 3PL and a 3MR. Against my better judgment (more on this later) I tried to put in Cerushield filters before making DIY silicone earmolds. Putting the filter in the left receiver worked perfectly. For some reason putting a filter in the right receiver won’t work. It seems like the hole in the receiver is too large for the filter to snap into place. When I pull the receiver out of the disc the filter stays in the disc. If I take the filter out of the disc and insert it manually into the receiver it’s too loose and falls out when I try to put a dome on. Any idea why this is happening?
Part 2:
If you are using a dome on your receiver how does wax get into the opening of the receiver in the first place? Is it legal to just not use the filters?
There’s a hole in the end of the dome that the wax can get through. If you don’t use a filter, the receiver will clog with wax, ruining it. How long it would take is anybody’s guess. My guess is that the right receiver is designed for a different filter. Maybe a Cerustop?
I think I must have had beginners luck with mine. I have only changed them once as I haven’t had them long and was expecting problems, but they just went straight in. I’m going to be changing from domes to slim tips in a couple of weeks so hopefully there will be a more reliable way of changing them then.