Can't find a hearing aid that helps my tinnitus

Hi all - After catching C19 in Jan 2024, I started getting high pitched hissing tinnitus by end of February. 3 different Audiologists ran tests and I have normal hearing up to around 3KHZ+ and then falls dramatically. I’ve done the prednisone to no help, and after having a tinnitus expert run tests that included looking at the cochlears, I was told that they are damaged beyond repair.

I’ve demo’d the following HA’s, and and each has increased my tinnitus with louder hissing. The tinnitus expert says it’s because I really don’t have that bad of hearing loss so my brain is looking for something to focus on while waiting for the HA’s to amplify.

  • Signia
  • Oticon
  • Philips (Costco)
  • Phonac
  • Widex
  • Starkey

The Starkey has provided moments of clarity and overall, the Philips have been the HA’s that I’ve best been able to tolerate. Assuming that all of these manufacturers and audiolists can’t be the problem, it has to be me. Wondering if anyone has advice that they can share regarding HA’s for hearing loss only at 3kHZ+ with tinnitus?

Thank you

None of the technical means of masking tinnitus are magic bullets. They help some people, but not all. There are some sounds that I find help me. There are a few techniques that can help. Distraction – Sounds that take your mind off it. It can be a radio, TV, music, etc. I discovered that is part of why I have almost always filled my soundscape for years. Absolute quiet is like torture. Soothing sounds – maybe a waterfall sound, rain sound, fireplace sound etc. The key is to relax about it and not focus on it.

Best wishes!



yes, I have maskers, videos, etc etc… wondering if anyone has success with a specific brand of hearing aids? By the way, how did you add your audiogram? I’d like to do the same.

I have had tinnitus since Thanksgiving 1975, it is 24/7/365. I have had to learn to compartmentalize it to the the far back of my mind. I have also learned to lower my caffeine consumption, my salt intake, and just wearing my correctly adjusted aids is the biggest help. The other thing is stay away from overly quiet environments. Avoid muting your aids. And if things get too quiet listen to audiobooks or music. But most importantly stay away from extremely noisy environments, protect the hearing you have. And do everything possible to ignore your tinnitus.


At the very top of the screen, click forum and then “my hearing tests” (or something like that) from the drop down.


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Try my noise it has zen settings and plays into the hearing aid as background noise.

What DOES help your tinnitus?

In the world of tinnitus, January is very recent. Your tinnitus may calm down considerably in the next couple of years if you can get good at not stressing about it.


Like some of the others I have had tinnitus for many years. I used to think about and fret about all the time. From your post you are definitely thinking about the tinnitus. That can sure be the issue. Somehow you need to accept it and realize it can’t hurt you. Don’t dwell on it. Move on.

Good luck with this.