I have an appointment next week at Costco for hearing aids. Interested in the Jabra Pro 20 (Resound Nexia 9) M&RIE option. I’ve heard many times that the Costco fitters try to discourage this option. Based on my audiogram, am I a candidate that this option would work for?
I am less confident that they would be appropriate. Per your audiogram you have great low frequency hearing which suggests an open dome, especially if these are your first hearing aids. Per attached info, they’re really not recommended to be used with open domes. You’d likely need a pretty closed fit to avoid feedback. However, if you really want them and can tolerate a closed fit (closed dome or tulip dome) they could probably be made to work.https://cdn1-originals.webdamdb.com/13512_120887524?cache=1630416627&response-content-disposition=inline;filename=MK605433-gu-ONE-M%2526RIE-Onepager.pdf&response-content-type=application/pdf&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cCo6Ly9jZG4xLW9yaWdpbmFscy53ZWJkYW1kYi5jb20vMTM1MTJfMTIwODg3NTI0P2NhY2hlPTE2MzA0MTY2MjcmcmVzcG9uc2UtY29udGVudC1kaXNwb3NpdGlvbj1pbmxpbmU7ZmlsZW5hbWU9TUs2MDU0MzMtZ3UtT05FLU0lMjUyNlJJRS1PbmVwYWdlci5wZGYmcmVzcG9uc2UtY29udGVudC10eXBlPWFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3BkZiIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MjE0NzQxNDQwMH19fV19&Signature=dsEQe-XFcdQxRcfYvjuu2~TAwXleuZKDPs1aPgiSgTpRkL1FBMmiUr0oU2eSBOhENBlHAmZM2phbtNgnoiOiKJI-DzAX91naHezm6FMabrdh54ONYviaYKe~TYZ2yWoQyyUia0tgv0aJfRXBFyXqkJqhc3c1-qhHyLfAPgkp0UKyNe8FhVxRPJVo~yMpq3U4jO9nsQfJvETlF8sl6v0mhYDFkyM28GW8VryHl9K5cc6AygDgRGop2fhADoHdFzZ~OUmXghwLJaQOuX9QoAwtr~TtC8eDh~bwmSPWEFVKCHJhRs4K9RqOlG5rnaZRyTWEFHHkMUqsZPn8FryFRoDGJQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI2ASI2IOLRFF2RHA
I tried them and found little benefit. I’d recommend not bothering with them. The closed dome the receiver is encased in was a real PITA.
I too found them off no use to me, but of course everyone is different, there’s a few that have commented here that they really like them.
Na no good for the higher frequencies, so a tulip would be great, actually even better would be a custom mold with a decent vent, but so many people prefer the disposable domes.
I’m one of those that really like them. I had to go to power domes because I was having some feedback. It’s one of the potential issues with them. But with the power domes I don’t have a problem and I’m actually very comfortable with them and I like the sound.
@Pat_C, I think the steep slope 50db drop at 1500hz to 2000hz with your left ear is not a ‘good’ fit for m&rie. Mine was not either because of my 70 and 75 DB drop crossed their threshold for their upper limits, but I was a possible candidate. I can’t speak to whether you’re audiogram is a possible candidate or not. You’ll have to speak to your HCP. My HCP was very willing to let me try those receivers. All I did was ask. It doesn’t cost anything to try them out.
Thanks for the responses. Don’t know if they would make a difference for me or not but would like to try them just in case. Is this something you can try during the initial simple trial in the store before ordering? If not, will costco change to/from the M&RIE after ordering if you are unhappy with them. My main priorities with HAs are 1:to be able to hear speech clearly, especially in noise, 2: be able to watch TV without closed captions, and 3: be able to stream music and phone calls.
Speech in noise is frequently tough. A MultiMic accessory is something that can help with speech in noise if hearing aids don’t offer enough help. A TV streamer can also help a lot if hearing aids don’t help enough.
Yes Costco will swap the M&RIE receivers in and out for you with no additional costs. That was my initial intention as well if I did not like them. Turns out for me they were the best choice. I would think they would be happy to let you try them around the store. I took mine home for a week trial but I decided to keep them quickly.
I have M&RIE Directionality in the Music/TV and Outdoors programs. I did not get it in the All Around or Hear in Noise programs. In the All Around program the default 360 Directionality mode uses the M&RIE Receivers automatically in low noise situations. I believe you need to talk/discuss with your HCP about what programs you want M&RIE Directionality activated in.
I added M&RIE Directionality to the Music/TV and Outdoors programs when I came back the next week because I forgot to ask initially. It worked out. I was in enough situations to know I wanted them in more programs. Maybe you would want to do this initially if you are going to try them out while you are at Costco?
Some people use M&RIE Directionality in the All Around program as well but I have kept the default thus far. I think the new features in the EP 20S, as opposed to the EP10s, All Around program are more active this way.
I hope you enjoy your new hearing aids!
@RSW, Thanks, useful info, my appointment is in 2 days.
I think I read somewhere here that the GN Hearing A/S Resound Unite TV Streamer 2 SAS-3 2nd Gen Dolby Digital Audio works with the Jabra pro 20. And a used one can be found on eBay for around $50.
Yes, as does the Streamer+ which uses Auracast.
Do you know if you can control the volume with the Jabra enhance pro20 app or do you have to use the buttons on the streamer.
Sorry, I should have clarified, I do not have a streamer at this point, I have just been following along to get more information myself .
I had to use both volume controls, streamer (TVS2) and HAs (EP10) because I used the TV for OTA reception and a Roku for most watching, and the TV was much louder than the Roku. I now watch everything from our Roku, so I set the volume control on the TVS2 to one setting and adjust volume with the app or the buttons.
I haven’t found (or looked hard for) a way to adjust the TVS2 volume remotely.
Doesn’t it show up in the App for adjusting, it should, just like the Clip and Multi Mic.
I’m a big fan of the Multi-Mic, for SO many functions! Always glad to see it mentioned. As you say, works for many things.
Hmmm … the app does have a volume slider, which I use to adjust the level when I switch Roku apps. There’s also a volume control on the TVS2 which seems to have more range.
When I set the TVS2 volume for listening to a TV broadcast, the sound from my Roku is too loud, even if I minimize the volume via the app or rocker switch. When I set up the volume on the HAs to a volume that’s in the middle of the range for the Roku, the TV broadcast sound coming through to the HAs is too low even when I max out the volume in the app or with the switch on the HAs.
It took some trial and error to find a volume setting on the TVS2 that gave me the app/HAs the range that included ‘loud enough’ for broadcast TV and ‘no too loud’ for Roku.
I asked for the M&RIE’s for the new Jabra’s I just ordered, he said I wouldn’t be a good candidate, that I’d have feedback on my right side because my hearing is so bad. I was a little bummed but I get it. I already get all kinds of feedback with my old OPN1’s and I have a customer mold for the right side. I hope he can get them dialed in so I can hear better in noise.
Congratulations @boosh. When do your new HAs come in? I hope they can tune yours so any feedback is at acceptable limits.
I found that I can still force some when I go whoo! I’m excited about the idea of going from power domes to custom ear molds at some point. I don’t think I’m having a problem at this point. I am enjoying them actually.