Can I recharge Phonak hearing aids while wearing them?

I have rechargable lumity and i hope to be able to hack a charger into a similar to wired headphone device so that i can charge them while using them.

Am i waky. I think the issue is they turn off while charging .

@marath010 Good idea, are you thinking about shoes or a sleeves that goes into the HA while using the HA, then wires coming from the sleeves into a power source?
3D printing perhaps?
Somebody give me a PhD :rofl:

Wait a second, potentially you could bypass the rechargeable batteries all together? :thinking:

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Do you leave the car running when you’re filling it with gas? :neutral_face:


Bruh, i charge my iphone while using it

For the prototype im thinking of melting the charger around the connector, maybe resoldering the wire to increase the length.

It holds by magnet, it should hold smoothly

Then trademark it and sell it to phonak :upside_down_face:


@marath010 Nah, I was thinking along 3d printing, you could use something like, Fusion 350 (it used to be free, not sure now, but worth checking if you want to go that route):

The only problem is you need to 3d scan the HA or make a mold of the HA, so you can create a shoe, then integrate the metal contact charging system into the shoe, then the rest should be easy.
I think it is a good idea, rest the practicality of it that is to be researched.

The argument is, if the system below was useful, then why not what the OP is trying to achieve?
I say, go for it and good luck.

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The main concern is if i can program it to stay on while charging. The soldering is my forte.

I was thinking of making a 120V version of my bolero, battery less muahaha.
Just need to plug in the wall outlet. Minor issue


I love people who like to experiment with their aids. I wish you all the best.

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I observed that they still connect to the app whole on the charger.

I just need phonak to add an option.

I need an insider at phonak, or a phone number to infiltrate the main frame!!!

Any leads you guys have?

I’ll update as i find more about it.

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LOL if you can make the prototype 3D printing that enable you to charging while wearing it.

I would like to see HOW!? :smiley:

Dont overthink it.
I really just plan to solder melt the charger case, snip some headset wires to make it longer and then hot glue it to blunt the rough edge.
Im not making a high end prototype.

I called a phonak person, they said they advise against charging while using them.

Even if I can corrupt a phonak engineer to allow me to hack my hearing aids it will void the warranty and hell to the no.
I rather buy two sets >_>

I have programmed these type of aids for clients. You can’t charge and listen at the same time. What you can do, is buy a power pack battery and cable and charge your aids when you aren’t using them for like 15 or 30 mins.

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I aborted the project.
I solved it by being in the same house than my spouse, this way im not 24/7 on facetime & bluetooth,