Can I change SIZE of domes on ONE aid only?

I also had a size S double-dome come off the end of my Phonak Audeo B-Direct aid and get stuck in my left ear! Luckily, I was able to pull it out on my own, but it seems that if the dome is not seated absolutely perfect on that tip of the receiver, it is prone to coming off. There seems to be a lip, edge, or some-such rim on the receiver to hold the dome on secure … in theory, at least! :no_mouth:

I make a straight cut on one side of the domes because 8mm feel too loose & 10mm are too tight.


[Quote] z10user2
Are you having a problem … I also went to a Costco (I have KS7’s) and they gave me some closed domes I’ll get around to drilling a vent into to get one vent hole going.
Edit: Just re-read your post…Costco has 6. Maybe try another location. [End Quote]

The Savantos “Click Dome” brand open and closed domes came with my new KS7’s.

From my somewhat extensive research, these Savantos domes for Rexton & KS have limited size selections.
Open…10 … 8… --… 4
Closed…10…8… 6… –

I tried the Oticon 6mm open dome, but the fit on the receiver is marginal (the fit in the canal was perfect). It worked fine for one day, but I’ll not chance it again.

Did I miss a source for Savantos 6mm open “Click Domes”?

You’d think folks with dome size issues would be clamoring for a custom mold. Why don’t you go this route instead of fussing with generically sized tulips?

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Then apologies are in order. Evidently I’m wrong. I’ll review what I have on hand later on and see what’s going on. I have a bit of a collection.

Edit: Ok. Here’s my collection:
10 and 8 double closed (power)
10 and 8 and 6 closed
10 and 8 open

I am not saying this is exhaustive of all that is available…just what I have. I got most of them from my local Costco and then I got a couple 10-packs of 10 and 8 closed from another Costco in another country (US).

I don’t know if this helps but there you go. I do not have 6 open.

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My thanks to recent responders.

A little more search has bolstered my newbie-confidence about click dome sizes. For open and closed, I’m now fairly sure availability is 10, 8, 6mm for closed and 10, 8, 4mm for open for Sivantos products.

This discussion & search soon became TMI (too much information). If interested, see below.

Nov 2016 Signia Product Brochure

Spring 2017 Government Services pocket guide (by Signia)

Just found a user comment in another thread about cutting the open domes to allow better fit.

[Quote]The soft cone that goes into the ear has circular design that if you cut the spacing support around the base of the cone, this action reduces the pressure from the outer rim of the cone on the inner ear and makes wearing them much more comfortable. The cone still fits snug in the ear and sound performance isn’t affected. You can cut the spacing between each rib one at a time testing after each cut. Your not removing any material with each cut. Your just allowing the outer circle of the cone to compress easier in you ear canal making it more comfortable in your ear. [End Quote]

And, a technical Signia article on fitting Click sleeves (vented and unvented) with open dome and double dome comparisons in RIC applications.

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Speaking for myself here … my ear canals are strangely prone to swelling and contracting during the day. Drives me NUTS! It started a couple years ago, but in very humid climates, or first thing in the morning, I simply can not get a “custom” mold to fit in my ear. The result is irritating “leakage-squeakage” for HOURS till my ears either expand or contract to fit the custom mold.

That was a prime reason for my switching to BTE aids last fall. I find that the softer, silicone domes fit beautifully no matter what time of day, altho in very humid places, the size (S) on my LEFT receiver can sometimes slip a bit to compromise the seal. I wear a size (M) on the RIGHT receiver, and that seems to fit A-OK 100% of the time.

I’ve seen some flexi-molds online, but don’t know if they are made for leading HA brands like Oticon, Phonak, etc.

Ah, gotcha. I never had any of those issues. My mold is simply tight in the morning, I pull my ear-lobe and yawn to get it in. As the day progresses, it settles in. I found the generic domes just would not seal well enough for me although I did like the way they felt. Perhaps future material technology will bridge the gap between a good sealing custom mold and generic soft domes.

^^^ Yes, if there are two areas that need addressing in my dream-world for HA wearers, it’s: 1.) flexible molds to fit ALL day with true comfort, and 2.) waterproof aids for active folks like me. I have resigned myself to just taking the plunge into snorkeling, kayaking and all manner of water sports DEAF as a paddleboard. I always have folks trying to strike up a conversation with me, and they actually look irked when I say, “SORRY! No aids in. Can’t hear even a fire alarm going off!”

Like I’m making it up or something …

I have to different domes like you have,one is open and one is closed,but my guy at Costco did not adjust the fitting soflware to handle the difference in coupling efficiency! should he have done that?

Yes the Audi should of programmed your HAs to what domes you are using. Go back and ask him to do it.

Thank you so much for your answer,I have had so many problems with my Ks7 and 8’s going on vacation soon and really worry about my aids and hearing people when they talk with to me.

Typically, the difference in domes going from one to the next is fairly minor. The audiologist can adjust for it without changing the dome profile where there is a difference. It may have actually been done or deemed unnecessary.

Matalie,did the differences in open dome in one ear and closed in the other feel funny?

The KS7s use the Siemens/Signia/Rexton mini-receiver 2.0, and thus the same click-domes, click-sleeves, and click-molds. (The domes they give me at Costco actually come in a Connexx-labelled package.)

These are easy to find on eBay, the Hearing Club, etc.

Thanks corona1. Yeah I got single closed domes from a Costco in the US a while ago.

Thanks ken,I just got back from Costco and he change the domes back to closed,I am getting lots of feed back,but I guess its the feed back control that is kicking in,I don’t like hearing it though.

Feedback control should control feedback. :wink: It isn’t doing that for you. It isn’t right and needs to be adjust or having a more power dome. You can put a slit in the more occluded domes to reduce that.

I would agree! I have swapped in my double-dome S/M with a L size many times over the months I’ve been wearing my Phonak Audeo B-Direct aids. Yes, the sound quality is a sliver different, but I make the change for comfort.

My left ear swells on a regular basis, due to exercise, humidity or even having just gotten up in the morning. While I’ve worn the size L dome on my RIGHT aid with no probs ever, I have to keep monkeying around with the LEFT aid.

When I get leaky-squeaky stuff going on (most noticeable during NON-streamed phone calls) I need a larger dome on that side. If that ear canal swells up tho, it gets red & painful jamming the L dome into the ear canal. I only developed this problem in the past few years.

Oh well. Old age SUCKS. And if this is the extent of my discomfort, I am very lucky. :slight_smile:

I have different size domes. Not a problem. My hearing is pretty asymmetric, so I’ve even used an open dome on one ear and closed on the other. Of course, you need to handle that int he programming.