C1 Receiver, What does it mean?

Hello. Trying to replace my Oticon OPN S1 receiver myself and need to know what the C1 demarcation means on this box.

Other boxes say C2. Not sure what it means or how to tell which one I need. Any help would be appreciated. Please see uploaded photo. Thank you!

No that’s the ‘2’

C1 is for previous generation Minift Receivers. C4 is the designation for the Intent Minifit ones.


Thank you Um_bongo!

Does anyone happen know which one is appropriate for an Oticon OPN S1 ? C1, C2 or C3?

The OPN S1 is about 4 years old.

C1 will work: that’s what’s in my box of replacements for all the Oticon models from Opn to Real.


After going ahead and purchasing the C1, it can now be confirmed that the C1 does fit the OPN S1. Thank you for the help Um_bongo!

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