BTE and hair sounds

I tried the ReSound Quttro 7s for almost 3 weeks, and in my case if that was my first hearing aid, it would have been my last. Had the same problem with the hair and when I put on my reading glasses. Never knew paper or toilets we so loud. I had headaches for 2 weeks. I found them just way to loud. Went back to my Unitron Moxi Fits and things are much better. Going to try another Audi and other HAs, he just seamed to dismiss everything I told him, and my last Audi said I can only get the Unitrons even though he carrys many others and wouldn’t even let me try others. I tried 2 other Audis and one was good, there are a couple more to check out.

The willingness to click buttons is so true! Reminds me years ago when my daughter asked for help on something computer related. She soon commented: “You don’t know any more than I do–you’re just poking.” She was absolutely right and hasn’t asked for help since (and hasn’t needed it!)


I think the unknown factor with HA’s and hair sounds, besides however individual HCP’s set up the HA’s is the hair itself, not to mention the exact length and the way in which your barber or hair dresser trims or shaves your hair specially around the ears. I’ve known people with silky soft very thin will-o’-the-wisp hair and other folks with hair like pig bristles. So I imagine that along with exactly where your HA’s rest above your ears given your wire or tube length and shape, where your microphone openings are, plus your hair length and type, one has an incredible YMMV situation. Every time we swallow, chew, walk, etc., we make a noise. We can learn to habituate to a lot. So, yes, if hair rubbing noise is really bad, you need to see your audiologist. Otherwise, I’d say just like the walking, chewing, swallowing, wife snoring(?), etc., noises in our life, ignore hair sounds and they will hopefully get factored out of your conscious mind. (but in ruminating over the noises that I’m able to sleep blissfully through, including mowers and weedwhackers run not too far from my bedroom window, I wonder if the hair sound issue varies in severity as to whether you’re a light sleeper or not?-I’m definitely a heavy sleeper or at least able to factor out most noises, including wife snoring loudly, and just doze away - and I don’t even notice hair sounds except when adjusting glasses).

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Hi Jim, thanks for reply. Really just to give an update on all this. Since I have been keeping my hair much shorter before it gets long enough to tickle the mics its much better, my hair is like not thick or thin really.
Does anyone know what the setting is called for Resound aids, when its to reduce sensitivity for hair etc? So I can ask my audi to adjust that as if go back now he will not know.

On another issue similar but my fault, early in the first lockdown, I had been working downstairs and long late hours due child care, one night left them on table charging lid up and our cat must of spotted the flashing green charging lights and had a chew on the right one! wire was chewed changed that, the body of aid has teeth dings etc and think some damage has occurred as now the body like picks up scratching/rubbing sounds a lot more than the left one ever does. So think need another trip back to audi to get it re-cased or re-shelled etc doh!