Bought Connex Smart Mic twice - both failed within months

Hi all,

I wear Rexton Bicore Hearing aids from Costco. Back in May, I bought their $200 Smart Mic to help me connect to Teams meetings on my laptop. I was in heaven! I could stream work meetings straight into my ears and the sound was crisp, clear, perfect. No more straining to hear everyone.

2 months later, it mysteriously began cutting out on calls. Like it would stream for 10 seconds, then go dead for 10 seconds, etc. I called the Connexx customer support number and after walking me through all the steps in efforts to fix it - disconnect/reconnect, unpair/repair, etc - the guy told me that this is a known issue with the Smart Mic. But he was surprised that it happened so quickly, apparently, it usually takes longer to fail, like a year or so.

Back to Costco I went. I returned it, ordered a brand new one. (took 3 weeks to get to the store, very frustrating that they don’t keep these stocked)

Beginning of August, received my new one. I was in heaven again! But… it mysteriously stopped working AGAIN! Just last week after only having it several weeks. Ugh! I’m going to return it, and I don’t think I’ll bother with another one. I’m so incredibly disappointed, what an expensive piece of junk! :angry:

Is there another type of Smart Mic that will work with my hearing aids? Or are they all hearing aid-specific?

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Well if you look at the range of rebranded models sold by wsAudiology you’d think you could use the others from Signia, miracle ear, but it seems not, it’s been confirmed that a lot of other rebranded models from other manufacturers (Phonak, Unitron, etc) can’t be used…but I know you can with ReSound and Beltone, same multi mic, TV streamer work, maybe it’s just a bad batch, I didn’t think much of the battery life of my StreamLine Mic anyway.

Thanks! It seems like there should be a universal one that works with all, or at least most, of them! I wonder if I should order from a different Costco store, and maybe they will come from a different batch. So strange that 2 in a row had the same issues :unamused:

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Yeah I agree because it’s the same device in most cases, like Phonak/Unitron same tv connector and no problem, plus the ReSound/Beltone, even Oticon and Signia the tv connecter is the same but with different firmware so can’t be changed, I’m sure some accessories could be used within a family of HAs, but you’d need to find this out yourself!
Yes get one from another store, hopefully that will sort this out.