Bluetooth using Specsavers' Advance Hearing Aids

If they are available then I will go for the bluetooth transmitter. I currently use a Bluetooth wireless headset which gives perfect sound. If I can get my HA’s to be nearly as good then I will be happy.

Hi again,
definitely worth speaking to your clinician about this - they should be able to provide you with a full feature list on the aids you are looking at and hopefully explain what they mean - This information is sent to us by the manufacturers which is kept as a ‘professional’ reference but I cant see why your clinician would not provide it to you as some patients want to know more detail than the pretty basic star refence you see on the website and in the brochures!

And lastly - don’t want to discredit COSTCO at all. I think they do a great job of providing low cost hearing aids with great sound quality and features - the KS10 is a fantastic deal for what it is. They just cant access the HSP subsidies and for some patients are not as easy to get to geographically as there is not a huge amount of stores per state.

Phil et Al, the Phonak TV connector comes with a mains transformer but you can also connect the power from a TV USB port. Audio connection is by a standard headset jack or better, the optical port.

At one point I thought I had a fault, I was wrong, but while it was away I really missed it.

Thanks for that. The technician in me, from a previous life, is wondering if I can connect to the bluetooth unit that I use to charge my Philips’ wireless Headphones and send the tv audio to them.

Not quite clear what you are suggesting. Are you saying send the TV Audio to the wireless headphones? That could work if you pair them rather than pairing the HA to the TV Connector.
If your blue tooth charger can transmit audio as well as charge your headset and you connect your TV audio physically to that charger then yes, it might.
With some TVs, plugging in a headset jack can mute the TV speakers. Plugging in to the optical port means other can hear the TV as normal.

Hi roybrocklebank, I have the headphones already paired to its transmitter. Just thinking I could pair the HA to the same transmitter and get rid of the headphones. Would save me buying another transmitter and I use optical connections with it

I tried a direct bluetooth connection between my KS10’s and my LG tv. Connected easily, but had problems with sync. Purchased the tv connector, which is great.

I have a TCL TV which allows me to adjust lip sync in the set up. Fingers crossed it will fix the sync when my new HAs turn up.

I had to replace my hearing aid when it got flipped off by facemask and lost. Five years on and new were features available. So I tried one with rechargeable battery and blue tooth but returned it and got a cheaper model minus these features. There was a 60 trial period with Specsavers. I have one good ear and am happy to use bluetooth earpiece in that ear. My mobile phone was not compatible with the new h aid and I was happy to have ordinary batteries always to hand. I did not notice much difference in the hearing enhancement between the cheaper and more expensive model.


Are you sure the Phonak Aids and Specsavers Aids had the same power receiver? That’ll explain the difference in power and loudness.

I actually gave up on Specsavers due to a lack of information that they were prepared to give me. Instead I have ordered from Costco and I get them fitted Jan 19th.

Cost wise, there was not much difference between Costco and Specsavers

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It’s seems in your case, it’s all in the programming, different audiologists will program differently, what fitting formula was used? most likely a different one was used between the two HAs, which changes the gain curves quite a bit.

This wouldn’t change the amount of output to the degree that you notice so much difference in volume.

I also wonder about the amount of auto acclimatization, your audiologist could have set this, plus the target gain level can be set independent of each HAs, so a few things could be the cause of your issue.

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While I have your attention, how do the Signia Pure 7NX models compare in size to the Resound Linx2?

So for the Signia Pure NX up against ReSound Linx2 961, the Linx2 a few mm smaller, up against Linx2 962 which uses the size 13 battery, basically the same size.

I found initial testing, and then fitting at Costco, to be far more thorough than I experienced at Specsavers.