Bluetooth in UI 6.1 S21U - NOT WORKING

Is it just me?
Will see Audiologist this week.

What is your actual problem?
Also, do you have a watch connected to your phone?

yes watch & tv connect. had work done on aids & phone to 6.1
which is cause? will see audiologist re aids. wondered if any issue w bluetooth - aids reported?

What is the issue you can’t do full hands free if that is the issue. Go into Bluetooth settings for the watch and disable calls in the watch settings of the phone Bluetooth. And also enable le audio in the Bluetooth settings for your aids, if your aids supports le audio.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Think I’ve t ried them but will try again. I’m ok at home alone w/o Bluetooth. sound from phone very nice and loud. but sure need when web-watching in public.

I have have my calls streamed to my aids to understand what is said. I have the Real1 and More1 aids. I have to have a working set of backups all the time. I also hve the Samsung S23 phone and it works great with the latest updates. This next month I will be receiving my INTENT1 aids from the VA. I am hoping to be able to have full hands free.

I have an s23+ and Rexton Reach hearing aids. They can hear me, but I can’t hear them. Played with a hundred settings and was on the phone with Rexton Support for about half an hour. Seems like hardware to me. The streaming all works great, just no microphone for phone. I can use the voice recorder on the phone and that works. Strange??

Any ideas? Anyone??

All i can say is that my INTENT1 aids work as I need them to work with my Samsung S23 phone. My calls go to my aids, i use the microphone on the phone so the other person hears me. I stream audiobooks and music straight to my aids too. I don’t have to my knowledge total hands free. I know at this time I can’t answer calls from my aids, which isn’t an issue for me.